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Re: Tough Limit

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg34251] Re: [mg34235] Tough Limit
  • From: Andrzej Kozlowski <andrzej at>
  • Date: Sun, 12 May 2002 03:25:48 -0400 (EDT)
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

First of all, you need to take the absolute value here, since your 
expression is negative for odd n, e.g.

((Binomial [-1/2  ,n ] * Sqrt[ n* Pi ])/.n->99)//N


I don't think Mathematica can do solve this problem without a lot of 
human human help. Here is one way that makes just a slight use of 
Mathematica (for the sake of decency).
First we use the identity Binomial[-1/2, n] == (-1/4)^n Binomial[2n, n], 
which unfortunately Mathematica does not  know  but you can find it 
somewhere in Graham, Knuth, Patashink, "Concrete Mathemaitcs" together 
with about a million other formulas of this type. Hence Abs[Binomial
[-1/2, n]] ==  (2n)!/(4^n (n!)^2). Now we use the assymptotic Sterling 
formula (also proved in the same reference) and let Mathematica do the 

Sqrt[n*Pi]*((2*n)!/(4^n*n!^2)) /. k_! -> Sqrt[2*Pi*k]*(k/E)^k


Andrzej Kozlowski
Toyama International University

On Saturday, May 11, 2002, at 05:04  PM, RJMilazzo wrote:

> Can anyone suggest how I can use Mathematica to get the following limit:
> limit ( Binomial [-1/2  ,n ] * Sqrt[ n* Pi ] ) as n-> Infinity
> I have tried both Calculus`Limit` and the standard Limit functions. I 
> can
> verify with NLimit that this limit equals  approximately 1. I don't 
> think that
> this is rigorous enough for a proof.
> Thanks
> James
> rjmilazzo at

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