Re: Generating Two Unit Orthogonal Vectors to a 3D Vector - Summary
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg36399] Re: [mg36352] Generating Two Unit Orthogonal Vectors to a 3D Vector - Summary
- From: "David Park" <djmp at>
- Date: Wed, 4 Sep 2002 21:22:12 -0400 (EDT)
- Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at
Thanks for the many replies. My main application for this is in drawing a piece of a plane at a point normal to a vector. For me, efficiency is not an important criterion. But I want orthogonal vectors so the plane will be composed of squares and not diamonds. I want unit vectors so that I can easily specify the size of the piece I am drawing. I posted a summary last evening and it doesn't seem to have appeared today. In any case, I have realized that none of the routines really require the LinearAlgebra`Orthogonalization package, and run faster without it. I have modified the original routines to use a pure function instead of Normalize or GramSchmidt. Here is a summary of the responses so far. The timings were done with the following exact vector. They are faster with a machine precision vector. vtest = {1, 2, 1}; __________________________________________________________ Hugh Goyder... The original routine was OrthogonalUnitVectors[v : {_, _, _}] := GramSchmidt[NullSpace[{v}]] but I changed it to OrthogonalUnitVectors[v : {_, _, _}] := #/Sqrt[#.#] & /@ NullSpace[{v}] OrthogonalUnitVectors[vtest] {{-(1/Sqrt[2]), 0, 1/Sqrt[2]}, {-(1/Sqrt[3]), 1/Sqrt[3], -(1/Sqrt[3])}} Do[OrthogonalUnitVectors[vtest], {10000}] // Timing {2.53 Second, Null} This appears to be the shortest and fastest routine. I would give it the prize for elegance. It is certainly easy to remember. ________________________________________________________ Ingolf Dahl... OrthogonalUnitVectors[v:{_, _, _}] := (#1/Sqrt[#1 . #1] & ) /@ NullSpace[{v, {0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0}}] OrthogonalUnitVectors[vtest] {{-(1/Sqrt[2]), 0, 1/Sqrt[2]}, {-(2/Sqrt[5]), 1/Sqrt[5], 0}} Do[OrthogonalUnitVectors[vtest], {10000}] // Timing {2.59 Second, Null} This is really the same as Hugh Goyder's routine. It isn't necessary to add the zero rows to the matrix. NullSpace automatically does it. ________________________________________________________ Selwyn Hollis... OrthogonalUnitVectors[v : {_, _, _}] := Module[{u, w}, u = Which[(w = {0, v[[3]], -v[[2]]}).w != 0, w, (w = {v[[3]], 0, -v[[1]]}).w != 0, w, (w = {v[[2]], -v[[1]], 0}).w != 0, w, True, Return[$Failed]]; #/Sqrt[#.#] & /@ {u, Cross[u, v]} ] OrthogonalUnitVectors[vtest] {{0, 1/Sqrt[5], -(2/Sqrt[5])}, {Sqrt[5/6], -Sqrt[2/15], -(1/Sqrt[30])}} Do[OrthogonalUnitVectors[vtest], {10000}] // Timing {11.92 Second, Null} I wish I understood the reason for using rows of the v Cross matrix as test vectors. It does have the advantage that a dot product is used to give a scalar test for zero. Why not... OrthogonalUnitVectors[v : {_, _, _}] := Module[{u, w}, u = Which[(w = {1, 0, 0})\[Cross]v != {0, 0, 0}, w, (w = {0, 1, 0})\[Cross]v != {0, 0, 0}, w, True, Return[$Failed]]; #/Sqrt[#.#] & /@ {u, Cross[u, v]} ] OrthogonalUnitVectors[vtest] {{1, 0, 0}, {0, -(1/Sqrt[5]), 2/Sqrt[5]}} Do[OrthogonalUnitVectors[vtest], {10000}] // Timing {10.33 Second, Null} ____________________________________________________________ John Browne... OrthogonalUnitVectors[v : {_, _, _}] := Module[{r, v1, v2}, r = {Random[], Random[], Random[]}; v1 = Cross[v, r]; v2 = Cross[v1, v]; {v1/Sqrt[Dot[v1, v1]], v2/Sqrt[Dot[v2, v2]]}] OrthogonalUnitVectors[vtest] {{0.26601, -0.534209, 0.802408}, {-0.873254, 0.218984, 0.435286}} Do[OrthogonalUnitVectors[vtest], {10000}] // Timing {9.17 Second, Null} This has the problem that the r vector might be parallel to v. But in 100000 test cases it never happened. ____________________________________________________________ Daniel Lichblau... (Daniel left out the normalization, which I added.) OrthogonalUnitVectors[v:{_, _, _}] := With[{vecs = NullSpace[{v}]}, (#1/Sqrt[#1 . #1] & ) /@ {vecs[[1]], vecs[[2]] - vecs[[2]] . vecs[[1]]*vecs[[1]]}] OrthogonalUnitVectors[vtest] {{-(1/Sqrt[2]), 0, 1/Sqrt[2]}, {0, 1/Sqrt[5], -(2/Sqrt[5])}} Do[OrthogonalUnitVectors[vtest], {10000}] // Timing {3.35 Second, Null} ______________________________________________________________ Garry Helzer OrthogonalVectors[v : {a1_, a2_, a3_}] := With[{w = First[Sort[{{a2, -a1, 0}, {a3, 0, -a1}, {0, a3, -a2}}, OrderedQ[{Plus @@ Abs[#2], Plus @@ Abs[#1]}] &]]}, {w, Cross[v, w]} ] OrthogonalUnitVectors[vtest] {{-(1/Sqrt[2]), 0, 1/Sqrt[2]}, {-(2/Sqrt[5]), 1/Sqrt[5], 0}} Do[OrthogonalUnitVectors[vtest], {10000}] // Timing {2.64 Second, Null} __________________________________________________________________ Tom Burton "A nice feature of the following simple scheme is that you know that the two points of discontinuity are where r and -r cross the unit sphere." triad[u_, r_:{1, 0, 0}] := Module[{v = Cross[u, r]}, #/Sqrt[# . #] & /@ {u, v, Cross[u, v]}] triad[vtest] {{1/Sqrt[6], Sqrt[2/3], 1/Sqrt[6]}, {0, 1/Sqrt[5], -(2/Sqrt[5])}, {-Sqrt[5/6], Sqrt[2/15], 1/Sqrt[30]}} Do[triad[vtest], {10000}] // Timing {17.02 Second, Null} David Park djmp at From: David Park [mailto:djmp at] To: mathgroup at There are many cases in graphics, and otherwise, where it is useful to obtain two orthogonal unit vectors to a given vector. I know a number of ways to do it, but they all seem to be slightly inelegant. I thought I would pose the problem to MathGroup. Who has the most elegant Mathematica routine... OrthogonalUnitVectors::usage = "OrthogonalUnitVectors[v:{_,_,_}] will return two unit vectors orthogonal to each other and to v." You can assume that v is nonzero. David Park djmp at