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Request for Mathematica Programming help.

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg36818] Request for Mathematica Programming help.
  • From: Nagesh Rajepandhare <nagesh at>
  • Date: Fri, 27 Sep 2002 04:15:17 -0400 (EDT)
  • Organization:
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

My name is Nagesh and pursuing research studies in Refrigeration. At 
present I am writing a Dynamic Refrigeration System Simulation Package. I 
am using Mathematica as a programming language for the same since last one 
year. I don't have any programming experience before this. I have following 
1. Is any body here have expertise or information about the capability of 
Mathematica as a system simulation tool?
2. Is is possible to program a user friendly interface for my system 
simulation package with Mathematica or I have to use some other software?
3. My refrigeration system simulation package is likely to have 
approximately 60 First order Differential equations. Is is possible to 
solve these in Mathematica ? If yes then can anybody here guide me about 
this further.

I am explaining below in short about the objectives I want to fulfill from 
coding out of my main input file

1. Example from Main Input File ( this will contain about 200-250 variables 
which will be entered by the user of this package)

Below is examples of two variables entered into this file, which will be 
used in other analysis files for further evaluation.

2. Example from other analysis file ( there will be about 20-25 other such 
component analysis files ) where the above mentioned variables from main 
input file will be used for further evaluations:-

Below is one example from this file explaining how the variables from main 
input file will be used in other files.

I hope that this short information will be useful for guiding me to solve 
the following problems that I am facing. I am facing follwing problems or 

1. My 1st Objective:- The user of this package must be able to change only 
the value of the variable in the main input file but he must not be able to 
change the name of the variable itself. For example he must be able to 
change the value of the variable "  " but he must not be able to change the 
name of this variable itself.
Here our problem is how to achieve or program it so that our objective will 
be fullfilled.

2. My 2nd Objective:- How I can program the main input file so that it will 
be user friendly in terms of its visuals and satisfying the constraint 
mentioned above in objective1.

3. My 3rd Objective:- How can I program the optional values for each 
variable in the main input file ? so that there will be always a value 
assigned to each variable listed in main input file whenever the user opens 
up this file. If user want to change the values of some variables then he 
can change them and run the simulation otherwise the simulation run will be 
done with optional values assigned to each variable in the input file.

4. My 4th Objective:- How can I program the check for correctness of the 
input values supplied by the package user ?

I will be very greatful to you for helping and suggesting some technique or 
method to solve some of my above mentioned programming problems.

Can anybody here guide me about the above mentioned programming problems ?

Thank you and best regards.

Nagesh Rajepandhare

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