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Re: Request for Mathematica Programming help.

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg36825] Re: Request for Mathematica Programming help.
  • From: Jens-Peer Kuska <kuska at>
  • Date: Sat, 28 Sep 2002 04:34:17 -0400 (EDT)
  • Organization: Universitaet Leipzig
  • References: <an14fb$idu$>
  • Reply-to: kuska at
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at


> My name is Nagesh and pursuing research studies in Refrigeration. At
> present I am writing a Dynamic Refrigeration System Simulation Package. I
> am using Mathematica as a programming language for the same since last one
> year. I don't have any programming experience before this. I have following
> querries:-
> 1. Is any body here have expertise or information about the capability of
> Mathematica as a system simulation tool?

Since the most "system simulation tools" are simply solving a system of
ordinary differntial equations it is simple to do this with NDSolve[].

> 2. Is is possible to program a user friendly interface for my system
> simulation package with Mathematica or I have to use some other software?

Write a MathLink or J/Link frontend that launch the kernel. But you
should keep
in mind that the user interface is typical 80-90 % of your code.
If you just whant to solve some ode's it is probably easyer to
include one of the excelent ode-solvers from netlib in your C-code
than to call Mathematica to do that. As long as you dont wish to change
the ode's very often (than Mathematica is more flexible) you should
not use Mathematica.

> 3. My refrigeration system simulation package is likely to have
> approximately 60 First order Differential equations. Is is possible to
> solve these in Mathematica ?

> If yes then can anybody here guide me about
> this further.

Write down the equations and call NDSolve[].

> I am explaining below in short about the objectives I want to fulfill from
> coding out of my main input file
> 1. Example from Main Input File ( this will contain about 200-250 variables
> which will be entered by the user of this package)

This sounds like a *very* userfiendly interface ;-)

> Below is examples of two variables entered into this file, which will be
> used in other analysis files for further evaluation.
> 2. Example from other analysis file ( there will be about 20-25 other such
> component analysis files ) where the above mentioned variables from main
> input file will be used for further evaluations:-
> Below is one example from this file explaining how the variables from main
> input file will be used in other files.
> I hope that this short information will be useful for guiding me to solve
> the following problems that I am facing. I am facing follwing problems or
> objectives:-
> 1. My 1st Objective:- The user of this package must be able to change only
> the value of the variable in the main input file but he must not be able to
> change the name of the variable itself. For example he must be able to
> change the value of the variable "  " but he must not be able to change the
> name of this variable itself.
> Here our problem is how to achieve or program it so that our objective will
> be fullfilled.

Options with defaulf values ? or something like

{aParam,bParam}={ODEParameter1,ODEParameter2} /. 
                       userRules /. 

> 2. My 2nd Objective:- How I can program the main input file so that it will
> be user friendly in terms of its visuals and satisfying the constraint
> mentioned above in objective1.

What is *userfiendly* in a file with 250 variables ???

> 3. My 3rd Objective:- How can I program the optional values for each
> variable in the main input file ? so that there will be always a value
> assigned to each variable listed in main input file whenever the user opens
> up this file. If user want to change the values of some variables then he
> can change them and run the simulation otherwise the simulation run will be
> done with optional values assigned to each variable in the input file.

See above.

> 4. My 4th Objective:- How can I program the check for correctness of the
> input values supplied by the package user ?

And @@ (NumericQ /@  {aListOfAllYourNumericParameters})


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