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Mathematica problem

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg43343] Mathematica problem
  • From: hristina.georgieva at
  • Date: Tue, 26 Aug 2003 07:13:14 -0400 (EDT)
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at


      I have the following problem that I am trying to solve with
Mathematica. I am actually creating simulations. I simulate summers: four
months of summer-May,June,July,August. I use the following formula:
Temperature today=a*(The average temperature for this date during the last
30 yrs)+b*(The temperature yesterday) + c*(Random historical difference
between the temperature today and the temperature yesterday:I have thirty
years of data , therefore, 30 differences for every day); a+b=1 and c is
approaching 1. Based on this formula and changing the differences I create
1000 temperatures for every day. I want to make the historical average for
a certain date to be equal to the simulated average for this date and the
same with the standard deviation and this by changing  the values for a and
c. I tried to do it with the month of May but it gives me an error message:
It requires non-algebraic computation(which is true). So I am stuck there.

      I have Mathematica 4.1 version. I would like to assign number values
to to a and c and then create my summers and then change the values I
assigned to the variables so that I make the simulated averages and
standard deviations equal to the historical ones. I would highly appreciate
the  help and thank you in advance.

      Hristina Georgieva.

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