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RE: Plotting a surface side-by-side

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg47345] RE: [mg47324] Plotting a surface side-by-side
  • From: "David Park" <djmp at>
  • Date: Tue, 6 Apr 2004 06:36:28 -0400 (EDT)
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at


Is it possible that you could give a better description of what you want to
What surfaces do you want to plot? What do you mean by "side by side"?

You probably want to use ParametricPlot3D.

You may want to try out the DrawGraphics package from my web site below. If
you are trying to piece together a number of surfaces then that package has
some good routines for the purpose. If you install the package, then the
Intersecting Cylinders example illustrates techniques for joining together
various surfaces in a 3D plot.

DrawGraphics also has a NeutralLighting plot option, which allows you to use
less color saturated lighting. Then you can color various surfaces using
SurfaceColor and their color will not be overwhelmed by the normal lighting.

There is also an IteratorSubstitution command that allows you to draw a
parametrized surface where the domain limits of the second parameter depend
upon the first parameter. This is often needed in fitting surfaces together.

David Park
djmp at

From: Jose [mailto:ppga at]
To: mathgroup at

I need to plot a 3D-surface, but I need to plot it side-by-side. Also
I need to color its sides in gray level. I think it is not a problem
if the side is 'curved' but how to meke it if it is plane? I mean, if
one has to plot an arc of Sin(x), it can be properly done by
FilledPlot. But what happens if I want to draw this arc in the
3D-space. There is is 3D version of FilledPlot? At the end, I expect
your aids for doing this. I am interested more in the best final
result than in the easiest way to do that. Thanks in advance! Wishes!

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