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GUIKit - ScrollPane Tables within Wizard

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg52852] GUIKit - ScrollPane Tables within Wizard
  • From: paulw at
  • Date: Wed, 15 Dec 2004 04:26:11 -0500 (EST)
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at


I am having a few problems getting Widget["Table"] to work how i want
within a Widget["ScrollPane"] when constructing a wizard. The Table
needs columns for; Name, Colour, Move up, Move down. Basically a list
of objects with associated colours and the ability to move up/down in
the order.

The first thing I have tried to do is resize the table columns
automatically to fit the column headers(or largest entry in the column)
so that the tables are more appropriately distributed.

However, there does not appear to be a command to adjust column width,
only to change the defaut AutoResize from 2(fill screen evenly) to 0
(leave at default size and use horizontal scroll bar).

The second problem I have found is that when you attempt to include an
image within the table, it outputs some script along the lines of
JavaObject##########Released where ###'s are replaced with the object
id number. This does not happen using the exact same code outside of
the wizard.

I can bypass the problems by using a text panel and generating the html
using a script to include all my objects and build an html table,
however this is not very useful as I cannot make the names editable.

The best solution would be to create a dynamic Widget["Panel"] which
does not seem to support dynamic content (I have tried to build the
content using a function mapped onto the list of objects) or allow
images to be shown within the table (like they are OUTSIDE of the
wizard) and use the up/down buttons externally to the Table.

Is anyone able to help here?
I can give examples of the code if needed.

Thank you

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