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Re: GUIKit - ScrollPane Tables within Wizard

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg53044] Re: [mg52852] GUIKit - ScrollPane Tables within Wizard
  • From: Jeff Adams <jeffa at>
  • Date: Tue, 21 Dec 2004 05:19:23 -0500 (EST)
  • References: <>
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

On Dec 15, 2004, at 3:26 AM, paulw at wrote:

> Hi,
> I am having a few problems getting Widget["Table"] to work how i want
> within a Widget["ScrollPane"] when constructing a wizard. The Table
> needs columns for; Name, Colour, Move up, Move down. Basically a list
> of objects with associated colours and the ability to move up/down in
> the order.
> The first thing I have tried to do is resize the table columns
> automatically to fit the column headers(or largest entry in the column)
> so that the tables are more appropriately distributed.
> However, there does not appear to be a command to adjust column width,
> only to change the defaut AutoResize from 2(fill screen evenly) to 0
> (leave at default size and use horizontal scroll bar).


To answer the first question in this email separately...

One way to adjust column widths in a table is to set the 
  and/or "MinWidth", "MaxWidth" and "Resizable" properties on the columns
of the table. The column widgets of a table are available through the 
of the table.

To illustrate this with an example notice the default behavior of the 
table column
width choices that evenly distributes spacing:

   Widget["Panel", {
       Widget["ScrollPane", {
           "PreferredSize" -> Widget["Dimension", {"Width" -> 300, 
"Height" -> 110}],
           "ViewportView" -> Widget["Table", {
                 "Items" -> {{"A", True, "A longer column value"}, {"B", 
                    "Another  longer column value"}},
                 PropertyValue["Model", Name -> "myTableModel"],
                 SetPropertyValue[{"myTableModel", "ColumnIdentifiers"},
                   {"Index", "Active", "Description"}]
                 }, Name -> "myTable"]

We would really like to have the Description column use most of the 
spacing and the
boolean checkbox column does not need to be resizable from the user 
standpoint since it doesn't
take up much space.

Below I show through an extra setup Script how you can get access to 
the column widgets of
the table and then use various combinations of the "PreferredWidth",
"MinWidth", "MaxWidth" and "Resizable" properties to control not only 
whether a column is resizable
but ranges of valid widths that the user can use:

   Widget["Panel", {
       Widget["ScrollPane", {
           "PreferredSize" -> Widget["Dimension", {"Width" -> 300, 
"Height" -> 110}],
           "ViewportView" -> Widget["Table", {
                 "Items" -> {{"A", True, "A longer column value"}, {"B", 
                    "Another  longer column value"}},
                 PropertyValue["Model", Name -> "myTableModel"],
                 SetPropertyValue[{"myTableModel", "ColumnIdentifiers"},
                   {"Index", "Active", "Description"}],
                 PropertyValue["ColumnModel", Name -> "columnModel"],
                   col = PropertyValue[{"columnModel", "Column", 1}];
                   SetPropertyValue[{col, "PreferredWidth"}, 50];
                   SetPropertyValue[{col, "MaxWidth"}, 50];
                   SetPropertyValue[{col, "Resizable"}, True];
                   col = PropertyValue[{"columnModel", "Column", 2}];
                   SetPropertyValue[{col, "PreferredWidth"}, 50];
                   SetPropertyValue[{col, "MaxWidth"}, 50];
                   SetPropertyValue[{col, "MinWidth"}, 50];
                 }, Name -> "myTable"]

Jeff Adams
Wolfram Research

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