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Re: GUIKit - ScrollPane Tables within Wizard

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg52891] Re: GUIKit - ScrollPane Tables within Wizard
  • From: David Bailey <dave at>
  • Date: Thu, 16 Dec 2004 03:40:24 -0500 (EST)
  • References: <cpp06v$aif$>
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

paulw at wrote:
> Hi,
> I am having a few problems getting Widget["Table"] to work how i want
> within a Widget["ScrollPane"] when constructing a wizard. The Table
> needs columns for; Name, Colour, Move up, Move down. Basically a list
> of objects with associated colours and the ability to move up/down in
> the order.
> The first thing I have tried to do is resize the table columns
> automatically to fit the column headers(or largest entry in the column)
> so that the tables are more appropriately distributed.
> However, there does not appear to be a command to adjust column width,
> only to change the defaut AutoResize from 2(fill screen evenly) to 0
> (leave at default size and use horizontal scroll bar).
> The second problem I have found is that when you attempt to include an
> image within the table, it outputs some script along the lines of
> JavaObject##########Released where ###'s are replaced with the object
> id number. This does not happen using the exact same code outside of
> the wizard.
> I can bypass the problems by using a text panel and generating the html
> using a script to include all my objects and build an html table,
> however this is not very useful as I cannot make the names editable.
> The best solution would be to create a dynamic Widget["Panel"] which
> does not seem to support dynamic content (I have tried to build the
> content using a function mapped onto the list of objects) or allow
> images to be shown within the table (like they are OUTSIDE of the
> wizard) and use the up/down buttons externally to the Table.
> Is anyone able to help here?
> I can give examples of the code if needed.
> Thank you
> Paul

I am interested to know what people think about GUIKit - the 
documentation seems really vague to me, and just relies on examples, 
most of which are so complicated that they are stored in stand-alone 
files! Furthermore, because everything works with string options, you 
can't even query the individual tokens!

Maybe it is easier to create GUI's using J/Link - does anyone have any 

David Bailey

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