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Re: An argument pattern problem: ranges and lists

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg52993] Re: [mg52973] An argument pattern problem: ranges and lists
  • From: Bob Hanlon <hanlonr at>
  • Date: Sun, 19 Dec 2004 06:14:36 -0500 (EST)
  • Reply-to: hanlonr at
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

Use TagSet ( /: )

pauli /: f[pauli[x_,y_]] := x+y /; 0<=y<=4;
pauli /: g[pauli[x1_,y1_], pauli[x2_,y2_]] :=
    (x1+y1)*(x2+y2) /; 0<=y1<=4 && 0<=y2<=4;


{a + 1, f[pauli[a, 5]]}


{(a + 1)*(b + 2), g[pauli[a, 1], pauli[b, 5]]}

Bob Hanlon

> From: Simon Anders <simon.anders at>
To: mathgroup at
> Date: 2004/12/18 Sat AM 03:59:53 EST
> To: mathgroup at
> Subject: [mg52993] [mg52973] An argument pattern problem: ranges and lists
> Hi,
> I am trying to use argument patterns to ensure that my function is only 
> applied onto arguments which have the format
>     pauli [_, _]
> where the second argument should be an integer between 0 and 4.
> So I defined a type
>     pauliT = HoldPattern [pauli [_, s_Integer] /; s>=0 && s<=4];
> and declared my function as follows:
>    f [p:pauliT] := DoSomething
> This works fine, but another function takes a pair of arguments
>    g [p:{pauliT,pauliT}] := DoSomethingElse
> This is never called, because the pattern cannot be matched.
> I observed:
>    pauliT = HoldPattern [pauli [_, s_Integer] /; s>=0 && s<=4];
>    MatchQ[{pauli[1, 2], pauli[1, 3]}, {pauliT, pauliT}]
>    --> False
> The problem seems to be that I named the second argument 's', because if 
> I delete this name, it matches:
>    pauliT = HoldPattern [pauli [_, s_Integer]];
>    MatchQ[{pauli[1, 2], pauli[1, 3]}, {pauliT, pauliT}]
>    --> False
>    pauliT = HoldPattern [pauli [_, _Integer]];
>    MatchQ[{pauli[1, 2], pauli[1, 3]}, {pauliT, pauliT}]
>    --> True
> So, how do I specify the range condition correctly?
> Thanks in advance,
>    Simon

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