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is there a way to have the "Get" accept C formed %E numbers like Read does for Real?

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg63441] is there a way to have the "Get" accept C formed %E numbers like Read does for Real?
  • From: "Barthelet, Luc" <lucb at>
  • Date: Sat, 31 Dec 2005 06:40:43 -0500 (EST)
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

It would be nice to be able to write fprintf's in C and read the result
directly in mathematica without all the juggling around the C format.

Is there already a way to do that?

ReadList requires advanced knowledge of the structure.

Like I would like to have my C code output a text file like this and
read it straight in mathematica but doing <<"result.m"

result.m looks like this

Result={{3.9265E2,3.9265E2,"test"},{3.9265E2,"more test"

Currently the easiest way I found is to encapsulate each number by a
function of a string:

fprintf[stream, "result={{C2M[%E] ...",double]

So my files look like this

Result={{C2M["3.9265E2"], C2M["3.9265E2"],"test"},{
C2M["3.9265E2"],"more test" },{ C2M["3.9265E2"],"Error"},24}

And have predefined


C2M[str_] := Module[{stream = StringToStream[str], result},
result = Read[StringToStream[str], Real];

Out[1]= 392.65

But I which there was a nicer way on the C side than adding all those
functions and strings.

fprintf[stream, "result={{%E,%E,%E},{%E, ...}}",double,double,....]

and just do something tricky on the mathematica side.

I suppose there is a similar issue with %f.



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