Re: Re: what is wrong with this plot?
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg60936] Re: [mg60861] Re: what is wrong with this plot?
- From: Chris Chiasson <chris.chiasson at>
- Date: Tue, 4 Oct 2005 01:25:01 -0400 (EDT)
- References: <> <dhir7a$lne$> <>
- Reply-to: Chris Chiasson <chris.chiasson at>
- Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at
WRI sent an email about this, I have cut and pasted it below: -- Wolfram Research Technical Support -- This is a response to your email. The reply to your question can be found at the bottom of this message. Our classification number for this message is: [TS 27967] Please give this number in any future correspondence related to this question. If you leave this number in the Subject: [mg60936] header in the form [TS 27967], it will automatically be reassigned to the original technician. From: WRI Technical Support <support at> To: mathgroup at Subject: [mg60936] re: MathGroup posting ref: MathGroup posting --------- Re: Re: what is wrong with this plot? Subject: [mg60936] [mg60836] Re: [mg60807] Re: [mg60762] what is wrong with this plot? From: Chris Chiasson <chris.chiasson at> To: mathgroup at Reply-to: Chris Chiasson <chris.chiasson at> To MathGroup Responders (thanks, btw): My response is late because I reinstalled everything on my computer since my last post... Nobody seems to have experienced the same problem I had. I reproduced it again after the reinstall, though it isn't as bad as it was before. The problem is that the fraction line is broken. To prove to you that I am not (too) crazy, I put screenshots on my website. The first one was taken before I changed Windows' graphics settings around to see if that made a difference (bit depth, performance options, etc): What would cause this? I have also seen it in some exported PDFs before... --------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mr. Chiasson, I found your note on MathGroup archive (above). I looked at archives, so I do not know if an answer has been provided over the weekend. I duplicated the problem with Mathematica for Windows 5.0 and 5.2, and Macintosh 5.0. On Macintosh version 5.2, the line was continuous; this may be why some MathGroup responders did not see it earlier. (Also, your earlier posts were not as clear as to what problem you were asking about.) The broken line may be an artifact of an old issue with PostScript rendering. You seem to have found a good a workaround with TraditionalForm. Corrections for PostScript-related problems are being worked on; I do not have a schedule for when versions with them will be released. Bruce Miller Technical Support Wolfram Research, Inc. support at ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- If this issue is resolved, please consider taking a few minutes to give us some feedback on your experience. Please visit and give your honest answers to these three short questions. Thanks for taking the time to help us improve. On 9/30/05, Jens-Peer Kuska <kuska at> wrote: > Hi, > > have you try to print the plot ? and does the PostScript > output the same problem ? > This comes usual from the font metrics, that may be a bit > different for the Windows fonts (Times New Roman instead of Times, ..) > and this small differences cause that Mathematica "think" > the character is 9 pixel wide while the character in the Windows font > is only 8.8 pixel wide. > > If I remember right, there is some where a performance switch for > Windows to use antialiasing for the true type fonts, and this should > reduce the effect. > > Regards > Jens > > "Chris Chiasson" <chris.chiasson at> > schrieb im Newsbeitrag > news:dhir7a$lne$1 at > | To MathGroup Responders (thanks, btw): > | > | My response is late because I reinstalled > everything on my computer > | since my last post... Nobody seems to have > experienced the same > | problem I had. I reproduced it again after the > reinstall, though it > | isn't as bad as it was before. The problem is > that the fraction line > | is broken. To prove to you that I am not (too) > crazy, I put > | screenshots on my website. The first one was > taken before I changed > | Windows' graphics settings around to see if that > made a difference > | (bit depth, performance options, etc): > | > > | > > | > | What would cause this? > | > | I have also seen it in some exported PDFs > before... > | On 9/29/05, David Park <djmp at> > wrote: > | > Chris, > | > > | > Did you want this? > | > > | > Plot[x^2, {x, 0, 10}, Epilog -> > | > {Text[HoldForm[Sqrt[23/16]], {5, 50}]}] > | > > | > David Park > | > djmp at > | > > | > > | > > | > From: Chris Chiasson To: mathgroup at > [mailto:chris.chiasson at] > | > > | > > | > Dear MathGroup, > | > > Plot[x^2,{x,0,10},Epilog->{Text[DisplayForm@ToBoxes[Sqrt[23]/4],{5,50}]}] > | > How can I achieve the desired effect of the > square root with the > | > fraction inside the plot? > | > -- > | > Chris Chiasson > | > > > | > > | > > | > > | > | > | -- > | Chris Chiasson > | > | > > > -- Chris Chiasson