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Wick like theorem and "symbolic" compilation

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg61062] Wick like theorem and "symbolic" compilation
  • From: "Alexander" <beginning.physst at>
  • Date: Sun, 9 Oct 2005 01:35:14 -0400 (EDT)
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

Dear MathGroup!

I wrote simple programm to perform "Wick" expanding.
Here is the code:

(*St1 - basic function to extract couples of fields from a given list*)

st1[x_] := If[Length[
    x] === 2, Wick[Sequence @@ x], Plus @@
      ReplaceList[List @@ (x), {e___, a_, c___,
      b_, d___} -> Wick[a, b] e c d]];

(* Some transformation rules for this function *)

st1[x_Wick y_] := x st1[y];
st1[a_ + b_] := st1[a] + st1[b];

(* Formatting rules *)

\!\(\(Format[Wick[x_, y_]] := \(x\ y\)\&^;\)\)

(* Final function *)

WickTheorem[x_] := Expand[Plus @@ FixedPointList[st1, x]] //. a_ +
          b_Integer c_ -> a + c;

Simple example, showing how it works:

In[6]:= WickTheorem[a b c d]

Out[6]:= \!\(\*FormBox[
  RowBox[{\(a\ b\ c\ d\), "+",
    RowBox[{"c", " ",
      FormBox[\(\(a\ b\)\&^\),
        "TraditionalForm"], " ", "d"}], "+",
    RowBox[{"b", " ",
      FormBox[\(\(a\ c\)\&^\),
        "TraditionalForm"], " ", "d"}], "+",
    RowBox[{"a", " ",
      FormBox[\(\(b\ c\)\&^\),
        "TraditionalForm"], " ", "d"}], "+",
    RowBox[{"b", " ", "c", " ",
      FormBox[\(\(a\ d\)\&^\),
        "TraditionalForm"]}], "+",
      FormBox[\(\(a\ d\)\&^\),
        "TraditionalForm"], " ",
      FormBox[\(\(b\ c\)\&^\),
        "TraditionalForm"]}], "+",
    RowBox[{"a", " ", "c", " ",
      FormBox[\(\(b\ d\)\&^\),
        "TraditionalForm"]}], "+",
      FormBox[\(\(a\ c\)\&^\),
        "TraditionalForm"], " ",
      FormBox[\(\(b\ d\)\&^\),
        "TraditionalForm"]}], "+",
    RowBox[{"a", " ", "b", " ",
      FormBox[\(\(c\ d\)\&^\),
        "TraditionalForm"]}], "+",
      FormBox[\(\(a\ b\)\&^\),
        "TraditionalForm"], " ",
      FormBox[\(\(c\ d\)\&^\),
        "TraditionalForm"]}]}], TraditionalForm]\)

Maybe there is more simple and elegant realization of this theorem than
my code ???

Second question is about optimization.

In current realization, on my Cleleron 1700 (with 128Mb of ram) using
Mathematica 5.1 for Windows, I have following timings:

In[7]:= WickTheorem[a b c d e f w t] // Timing // Print["Time = ", #[[
    1]], ", Length = ", Length[#[[2]]]] &
Out[7]:= Time = 10.688 Second, Length = 764

So, in final expression there was 764 terms and it takes ~10 seconds to
evaluate them. Input expression contains only 8 fields, with 9 fields
computation takes a relatively long time,about 600 seconds.

Why so long?
And what are the ways to reduce this time ?

I have tried to use CompileEvaluate from Experimental package, but this
doesn't reduce evaluation time greatly.

Resuming, second question sounds like:
Should I rewrite the program in more elegant and efficient way to
evaluation time or there is "symbolic" compilation technique to do

Thanks for your help!


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