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Re: Stylesheets don't work unless imported.

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg61081] Re: [mg61044] Stylesheets don't work unless imported.
  • From: Igor Antonio <igora at>
  • Date: Sun, 9 Oct 2005 01:36:23 -0400 (EDT)
  • Organization: Wolfram Research, Inc.
  • References: <>
  • Reply-to: igora at
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

Steven T. Hatton wrote:
> I tried to create my own stylesheet based on Classic.nb. I saved it
> as .Mathematica/SystemFiles/FrontEnd/StyleSheets/STHClassic.nb. I then
> attempted to set the fonts to Arial, but when I select the new stylesheet,
> the fonts are still Times.  If I select Format->Edit Style Sheet and chose
> to import the stylesheet, I can make the same modifications I did to the
> "shared" stylesheet, and they go into effect.  What I want is a way to
> create a multi-file document that uses a common stylesheet.  Until I
> attempted doing so, I was under the impression that this was possible.
> Taking the specific example of 
> ToFileName[$InstallationDirectory,
>         "SystemFiles/FrontEnd/StyleSheets/Classic.nb"],
> how might I modify a copy of this so that the fonts (in particular, the
> title cell fonts) are Arial rather than Times for a notebook using that
> copy?


There shouldn't be any problems in doing what you have asked.

First, are you properly editing the stylesheet?  If so, then you should see 
immediate changes to a notebook file.  Let's call this notebookA.nb

- Create notebookA.nb.
- Insert a Title cell (Format > Style > Title)
- Go to Format > Edit Stylesheet... > Edit Shared Style sheet.
- Expand the cellgroup "Styles for Headings"
- With the mouse, select the cell for Prototype for style: "Title":
- Go to Format > Font > and pick some font that's easily distinguishable from 
Times New Roman
(You should now see changes done to notebookA.nb)
- Save your stylesheet in the directory you mentioned in your email.

- Create a new notebook in the FrontEnd (notebookb.nb)
- Goto Format > Stylesheet > Other...
- Locate and choose your stylesheet.  Apply the stylesheet to notebookb.nb
- Now create a Title cell.  It should have the proper font.



Igor C. Antonio
Wolfram Research, Inc.

To email me personally, remove the dash.

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