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RE: Change plot symbol in graphics 3D

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg61209] RE: [mg61196] Change plot symbol in graphics 3D
  • From: "David Annetts" <davidannetts at>
  • Date: Wed, 12 Oct 2005 03:09:05 -0400 (EDT)
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

Hi Geetha,
>       I have two different plots and i have made them show together.
> The points in both the plots are circles (plot symbol). I want to 
> change one of the plot symbol to a star.  I know that there is an 
> option in MultipleListPlot. But my data is not in a compatible form 
> for a multiple list plot. This is the portion of my code. points1 and
> points2 are points in 3-d space as list objects.
> g1 = Graphics3D[{Point /@ points1}, ViewPoint -> {-4, -2.4, 2}];
> g2 = Graphics3D[{Point /@ points2}, ViewPoint -> {-4, -2.4, 2}]; 
> Show[g1, g2];
> I was able to use ScatterPlot3D. But again, i couldn't find any option 
> to change the plot symbol.
> Is there any solution for this?

Yes ...

You can't use Star instead of point without defining a 3D star.  However,
rather than do so, I'll use an alternate symbol from Graphics`Polyhedra for

(* first some data *)
pts1 = Table[{x, y, Random[]}, {x, -5, 5}, {y, -5, 5}];
pts2 = Table[{x, y, Random[]}, {x, -5, 5}, {y, -5, 5}];
pts1 = Partition[Flatten[pts1], 3];
pts2 = Partition[Flatten[pts2], 3];

(* now plot the points *)
grf1 = Polyhedron[SmallStellatedDodecahedron, #, .2] & /@ pts1;
grf2 = Polyhedron[Tetrahedron, #, .2] & /@ pts2;

g2 = Show[{grf1, grf2}, ViewPoint -> {-4, -2.4, 2}]; 

Hope that helps,


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