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Re: Can the user create CellGroupingRules?

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg61504] Re: Can the user create CellGroupingRules?
  • From: "Steven T. Hatton" <hattons at>
  • Date: Thu, 20 Oct 2005 00:56:23 -0400 (EDT)
  • References: <dj4qn4$kjr$> <dj72nd$cvj$>
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

Sorcha wrote:

> You can change the grouping rules for a cell or style by varying n in
> the option
> CellGroupingRules->{"SectionGrouping", n}
> Larger numbers will group under smaller numbers. For example, with the
> following definitions for
> cell style:CellGroupingRules -> value
> you can have a notebook in which each level of heading style is grouped
> under all those heading styles above it. (Unlike the default behaviour
> where Title and Subtitle do not group, for example).
> Title: CellGroupingRules->{"SectionGrouping",20}
> Subtitle: CellGroupingRules->{"SectionGrouping",30}
> Subsubtitle: CellGroupingRules->{"SectionGrouping",40}
> Section: CellGroupingRules->{"SectionGrouping",50}
> Subsection: CellGroupingRules->{"SectionGrouping",60}
> Subsubsection: CellGroupingRules->{"SectionGrouping",70}

Unfortunately, I don't see a way to create my own grouping type such as
FormalGrouping.  My inclination is to have nesting determined by context
rules as they are with XML.  For example, the document definition might
specify that a <title/> can be placed in a <book/>, a <chapter/>, a
<section/>, etc., and the rendering would be determined by the context.  I
would then be possible to have <section>...<section/>...</section> nested
arbitrarily deep, and no need for subsection, subsbusection, etc.  Outlines
with the format of the enumerator determined by level would follow
naturally from such a scheme.
"Philosophy is written in this grand book, The Universe. ... But the book
cannot be understood unless one first learns to comprehend the language...
in which it is written. It is written in the language of mathematics, ...;
without which wanders about in a dark labyrinth."   The Lion of Gaul

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