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Re: Simplifying the root of a quadratic

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg63910] Re: [mg63906] Simplifying the root of a quadratic
  • From: Andrzej Kozlowski <akoz at>
  • Date: Sat, 21 Jan 2006 05:05:41 -0500 (EST)
  • References: <>
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

On 21 Jan 2006, at 07:50, carlos at wrote:

> Consider
> etaC=(-48*A0^2-4*A1^2+4*A2^2+
>    Sqrt[768*A0^2*A2^2+(48*A0^2+4*A1^2-4*A2^2)^2])/(96*A0*A2);
> Neither Simplify nor FullSimplify (with or without assumptions
> on the A's) were able to produce the simpler form
> etaC=(-12*A0^2-A1^2+A2^2+
>    Sqrt[48*A0^2*A2^2+(12*A0^2+A1^2-A2^2)^2])/(24*A0*A2);
> which I had to do finally by hand.
> Why?

As usual there seem to be two problems involved here: the problem of  
the ComplexityFunction and of the transfomrations used.  Using my  
compleity function based on the number of  visible characters one can  
get a better simplification:

VisibleSimplify[expr_, opts___] := Simplify[
      expr, opts, ComplexityFunction ->
(StringLength[ToString[TraditionalForm[#]]] &)]


(-12*A0^2 - A1^2 + A2^2 + Sqrt[144*A0^4 + 24*(A1^2 + A2^2)*A0^2 +
      (A1^2 - A2^2)^2])/(24*A0*A2)

This is better than what Simplify or FullSimplify gives but still not  
as simple as your expression. It differs from it only in the part  
under the square root sign. What you have is

exp1 = 48*A0^2*A2^2 + (12*A0^2 + A1^2 - A2^2)^2;

and what VisibleSimplify produces is

exp2 = 144*A0^4 + 24*(A1^2 + A2^2)*A0^2 + (A1^2 - A2^2)^2;

Of course Mathematica can confirm that they are equal:



However, not also that both these expressions are in a sense  
"optimal" for Simplify or VisibleSimplify, in that they won't be  
changed to anything else (even by FullSimplify or VisibleFullSimplify  
defined analogously to the above):


48*A0^2*A2^2 + (12*A0^2 + A1^2 - A2^2)^2


144*A0^4 + 24*(A1^2 + A2^2)*A0^2 + (A1^2 - A2^2)^2

I think you cna compare the situation to what happens when you use  
FindMinimum when you want to find the global minimum of some  
function.  In such cases FindMinimum may find a local minimum that is  
not a global minimum. Like in the case of a local minimum,  given one  
of the expressions above (exp1) or exp2, Simplify can't find any  
"local" transformations that would lead to a simpler expression. I  
think you can see why when you look at the expanded form of the  


144*A0^4 + 24*A1^2*A0^2 + 24*A2^2*A0^2 + A1^4 + A2^4 - 2*A1^2*A2^2

Now you can see that it contians the term 24*A2^2*A0^2 but in your  
expression you have 48*A0^2*A2^2. So in fact to have a chance of  
"seeing" this simpler expression Simplify woudl have to add  
24*A2^2*A0^2 to exp3 (and subtract it again) but that is the kind of  
transformation it never attampts (
for obvious reasons - because there are infinitely many  
transformations of this kind that could be tried).

However, note that

Simplify[exp2 - 48*A0^2*A2^2] + 48 A0^2*A2^2

48 A0^2*A2^2 + (12*A0^2 + A1^2 - A2^2)^2

which is exactly exp1.

I think this is an example  where human intelligence displays its  
superiority and I don't think one can avoid this kind of situations  
without some much more advanced form of AI, which I do not think  
still exists (?).

Andrzej KOzlowski

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