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RE: Tick mark function

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg68158] RE: [mg68134] Tick mark function
  • From: "David Park" <djmp at>
  • Date: Wed, 26 Jul 2006 02:26:22 -0400 (EDT)
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

The standard package Graphics`Graphics` has a function LinearScale that will
generate 'nice' values for tick marks within a given interval. You could
find the maximum (I assume the minimums are all zero?) x value of each set
of data, use LinearScale to get a nice values and then pick off the last
one. Something like the following.


data = Table[{x, x + Sin[x]/5}, {x, 0, 6.23, 6.23/25}];

Module[{maxval, xticks},
  maxval = Max@Part[Transpose[data], 1];
  xticks = Take[LinearScale[0, maxval], -1];
        Point /@ data,
    Frame -> True,
    FrameTicks -> {xticks, Automatic, None, None}]

Or, if you don't mind having a decimal number for the tick mark you could
simply use the last value directly. Or add some number formatting to control
the number of places.

Module[{maxval, xticks},
  maxval = Max@Part[Transpose[data], 1];
  xticks = {{maxval, NumberForm[maxval, {2, 1}]}};
        Point /@ data,
        Red, Line[data]}],
    Frame -> True,
    FrameTicks -> {xticks, Automatic, None, None}]

It would be interesting to know what your graphical message is and what your
various data sets actually look like. Are the x domains wildly disparate?
Are you actually trying to compare different sets of data? A GraphicsArray
is not always an efficient or informative method of presenting information.

David Park
djmp at

From: D. Grady [mailto:D.C.Grady at]
To: mathgroup at

I'm working on a problem that involves creating a large group of
ListPlots, and the scales of the individual plots are not necessarily
similar.  When displaying these plots together in a GraphicsArray, the
tick mark values on the plot axes can be bunched so tightly that they
are illegible.  What I would like to do is display a single tick mark
on each axis at the maximum value of the axis.  In the documentation
for Ticks, it says that you can supply a "function to be applied to
x_min, x_max to get the tick mark option," but I've been unsuccesful in
getting this to work.  I've tried


to no avail.  Does anyone know how this setting for Ticks is intended
to function?  I have spent some time going through the group archives
and found many references to the DrawGraphics package which includes a
CustomTicks function; if all else fails I'm sure that would be a
solution, but I was hoping for something more straightforward.  Thanks
in advance!

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