MathGroup Archive 2006

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ColorFunction gradient for vector field based on *data*

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg65422] ColorFunction gradient for vector field based on *data*
  • From: "Spin" <chris.moutafis at>
  • Date: Fri, 31 Mar 2006 06:09:17 -0500 (EST)
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

Dear all,
I'm trying to make a plot of 3D spins/vectors on a 2D disc.
I do this with :
ListPlotVectorField3D[array, ColorFunction ->
    Hue, VectorHeads -> True, PlotRange -> All];
where array is an appropriate -for the ListPlotVectorField3D- list.

However, the coloring of the vectors is a bit random.
I saw that people use constructs like :
ColorFunction -> (Hue[1 - #] &)
but I'm not sure of where the # symbol refers to.
When plotting a function, then the # represents the z value.

But when plotting a list, how can I tell ColorFunction and e.g. Hue to
make a color-gradient based on the value of a all the z-components of
my vectors?
My data are groups of lists {
{{x,y,x},{x-component,y-component,z-component}}, ....}
stating the position where the vector will be placed and then the
vector itself.
How can I tell ColorFunction to for each vector base it's Hue value on
the z-component each time?

Sorry, if I didn't explain it clear enough, I'm a beginner on this.

Would be thankful to read a reply on this.


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