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Re: Overlaying a grid on graphics to guide placement

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg73831] Re: Overlaying a grid on graphics to guide placement
  • From: dh <dh at>
  • Date: Thu, 1 Mar 2007 06:22:07 -0500 (EST)
  • References: <es3j69$oe1$>

Hi Mike,

no need to do it yourself, there is the options "GridLines"; see manual.


Michael A. Gilchrist wrote:

> Hi,


> I'd like to develop a function which overlays a grid on a graphics such as 

> a plot to help with the placement of additional graphics object through 

> things like Epilog or Prolog.


> I've taken a stab at it below,


> (*construction of grid*)

> imax = jmax = 4;

> step = 0.25;


> hlines =

>      Table[{If[j == 0., Black, LightGray],

>          Line[{{-imax, j}, {imax, j}}]}, {j, -jmax, jmax, step}];


> vlines =

>      Table[{If[j == 0., Black, LightGray],

>          Line[{{ j, -imax}, {j, imax}}]}, {j, -jmax, jmax, step}];


> hlabels = Table[Text[j, {j, 0}, {1, 1.1}], {j, -jmax, jmax, 1}];

> vlabels = Table[Text[j, {0, j}, {1.1, 1}], {j, -jmax, jmax, 1}];


> grid = Join[hlines, vlines, hlabels, vlabels];


> (* ooh it looks good on its own*)

> Show[Graphics[grid]]



> (*not so good here*)

> LogLogPlot[Exp[-x + 1], {x, 0, 1},

>    Epilog -> grid]


> Plot[Exp[-x + 1], {x, 0, 1},

>    Epilog -> grid]


> Show[GraphicsArray[{

>        {LogLogPlot[Exp[-x + 1], {x, 0, 1},

>            DisplayFunction -> Identity]},

>        {Plot[Exp[-x + 1], {x, 0, 1},

>            DisplayFunction -> Identity]}}], Epilog -> grid]



> If you run these commands you'll see that my attempt is inelegant and it 

> doesn't work very well.  Ideally, the grid would (a) adjust itself so that 

> its boundaries are within the graphics object and (b) adjust the spacing 

> and labeling so that the grid lines are frequent enough to be informative 

> but not obscure the entire figure.


> If any one has any suggestions I'd greatly appreciate hearing them.


> Thanks in advance.


> Mike


> -----------------------------------------------------

> Department of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology

> 569 Dabney Hall

> University of Tennessee

> Knoxville, TN 37996-1610


> phone:(865) 974-6453

> fax:  (865) 974-6042


> web:

> -----------------------------------------------------



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