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Re: Multiple regressions

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg74272] Re: Multiple regressions
  • From: dh <dh at>
  • Date: Thu, 15 Mar 2007 19:18:42 -0500 (EST)
  • References: <etb5lk$ke6$>

Hi Cliff,

it is hard to help you if you do not post a simple example. I think your 

problem comes because you attack your task in an inapropriate way. There 

should be no need to clear anything.

Assume you have a function evaluate[data_] and the data in dat1,dat2.., 

you would call evaluate[dat1] e.t.c. On the other hand, if you did not 

declare a function, but work with a variable dat, you would copy your 

data into dat: dat=dat1, evaulate dat1,  dat=dat2, evaulate dat2 e.t.c.


Clifford Martin wrote:

> Hi Group,


> I have a code that does multiple regressions on a set of data. Depending on=

>  the size and shape of the data I first do a regression, look at residuals,=

>  subtract the worst data point and do the regression again. I've written th=

> is with a set of If statements so if the size of the data becomes too small=

>  the next regression won't be done. This works fine for a single data set b=

> ut if I put it into a loop through multiple data sets then I run into troub=

> le. For example if the first data set goes through 5 regressions and the ne=

> xt data set only has enough data to go through 2 it takes the data from the=

>  first data set for the last 3 which I don't want. How do I clear the data =

> after each pass through a data set. I've tried Clear[function1, function2,.=

> ..etc.]. I've tried UnSet[values,values]. So the question is once I've gone=

>  through the loop how do I clear the values so the next data set through it=

>  is not carried over.


> Thanks for any help.


> Cliff


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