MathGroup Archive 2007

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Crash with simple plot command

Two questions: 

   1) Are there keyboard shortcuts available for the command-line interface to 
Mathematica? It would be tremendously nice to be able to copy input from the 
line above (bash uses uparrow to go back through old commands; the front end 
to Mathematica uses Ctrl-L) and things like that;

   2) While trying to answer that question by using the Google, I found the 
following (apparently the source website was updated today, so it wouldn't 
surprise me terribly if the author were to post something about this on this 
  "The record for crashing Mathematica with the smallest graphics command is 
probably this: Plot[1, {x, 0, 1}, Frame->True, FrameLabel->{}]
In version 5.2, this only elicits an error message, whereas version 6 aborts 

   This is obviously a bug!

Curtis Osterhoudt
cfo at
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