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Re: Can you get a package back to a notebook easily?

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg83060] Re: Can you get a package back to a notebook easily?
  • From: Szabolcs Horvát <szhorvat at>
  • Date: Fri, 9 Nov 2007 05:12:46 -0500 (EST)
  • References: <fgen3e$flh$> <fgs7k8$3gb$> <fguquq$r1u$>

AES wrote:
> Or better, after developing and testing in notebook form a lengthy 
> module that I want to convert to package form, I'd like to have a 
> specific set of instructions on how to:
> * Convert the notebook to a package
> * Save/install the package  [To where? And how?]
> * Save/preserve the notebook also [Where? And how?]
> so that I can when needed, edit or modify the original notebook and 
> repeat the process.
> The problem is not so much "how to write a package"; it's finding, all 
> in one place, the above specific instructions on how to manage it

1. Packages have nothing to do with notebooks.  You do not need to use 
the Front End to write packages.  You only need a plain text editor.

2. You have already asked this question, and received detailed replies 
with pointers to the documentation. [1]  Instead of demanding that 
someone write a complete tutorial on the exact workflow that you want to 
use, how about reading those doc pages, and asking *specific* questions 
about the things that you did not understand?



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