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Re: Minimizing Mathematica file size for source code control?

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg83336] Re: Minimizing Mathematica file size for source code control?
  • From: "Eckhard Hennig" <aidev at>
  • Date: Sat, 17 Nov 2007 05:36:05 -0500 (EST)
  • References: <fhh7db$8n6$> <fhjtfu$5oh$>

"Albert" <awnl at> schrieb im Newsbeitrag 
news:fhjtfu$5oh$1 at
> There is also a perl
> script that was originally written for an older mathematica version and
> rcs/cvs which does clean up image-caches and other things and can be run
> on the server side.
> It would need some understanding of how to install
> checkin-scripts on svn to get it run with svn but should not be terrible
> complicated. I don't know if that script is still maintained and whether
> there are problems with v6 and have no experience on how reliable this
> works.

Hi Albert,

Tim Wichmanns nbcache utilities consist of two Perl scripts. The first one, 
rmnbcache, is a command-line utility supposed to be called by the notebook 
author on his notebook files before checking them in. rmnbcache strips all 
image and cell cache data from a notebook, thereby greatly reducing file 
size. The script is independent of the source-code control system used; it 
can be used with RCS, CVS, SVN, ClearCase, ... Of course, you *could* call 
rmnbcache automatically in a CVS or SVN pre-commit check script, but "server 
side" is not a requirement and was not the original design intention.

On the other hand, the second Perl program, testnbcache, is meant to be used 
as a server-side pre-commit check script and was designed for use with CVS. 
testnbcache checks if a notebook being checked in still has cache data and 
rejects a commit if this is the case. If you want to use it with SVN, then 
you would have to write a SVN pre-commit hook script that calls testnbcache 
as a subprogram.

I am using the nbcache utilities for Mathematica up to v5.2 in both CVS and SVN 
environments. I have no experience with v6 either, but since the tools are 
still being used by my former colleagues for Mathematica application
development ( up to v6, I suppose that they still
work the way they did for previous Mathematica versions.

Best regards,


Dr.-Ing. Eckhard Hennig
aidev \at kaninkolo \dot de

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