Neural networks with mathematica
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg83427] Neural networks with mathematica
- From: dinodeblasio at
- Date: Tue, 20 Nov 2007 03:50:55 -0500 (EST)
Hello, i would like to run one ART1 network, to this purpose i have found the seguent code on some article: "these are some variables" a1_ = 1 b1_ = 1.5 c1_ = 5 d1_ = 0.9 el_ = 3 del1_ = 0.2 del2_ = 0.1 "then i would run the code written below, but i have some problem and it doesnt work, it never finish to calculate. You can find the Mathematica package below at: in = {{1, 1, 0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 01}, {0, 0, 1, 1, 1}, {1, 1, 1, 0, 0}, {1, 0, 0, 0, 0}}; {td, bu} = art1Init[5, 5, 1.5, 0.9, 3, 0.2, 0.1]; art1[5, 5, 1, 1.5, 5, 0.9, 3, 0.3, td, bu, in]; "at this point i should execute the function art1 but something is wrong or missing" "where art1 and art1Init are defined in the ART package:": BeginPackage["Art`"] vmag1::usage = "vmag1[v]" vmag2::usage = "vmag2[v]" resetflag1::usage = "resetflag1[outp,inp,rho]" resetflag2::usage = "resetflag2[u,p,c,rho]" winner::usage = "winner[p,val]" compete::usage = "compete[f2Activities]" art1Init::usage = "art1Init[f1dim,f2dim,b1,d1,el,del1,del2]" art1::usage = \ "art1[f1dim,f2dim,a1,b1,c1,d1,el,rho,f1Wts,f2Wts,inputs]" art2F1::usage = "art2F1[in,a,b,d,tdWts,f1d,winr:0]" art2Init::usage = "art2Init[f1dim,f2dim,d,del1]" art2::usage = \ "art2[f1dim,f2dim,a1,b1,c1,d,theta,rho,f1Wts,f2Wts,inputs]" Begin["`Private`"] (* begin the private context *) (* vmag for ART1 networks *) vmag1[v_] := Count[v,1] (* vmag for ART2 networks *) vmag2[v_] = Sqrt[v . v] (* reset for ART1 *) resetflag1[outp_,inp_,rho_] := If[vmag1[outp]/vmag1[inp]<rho,True,False] (* reset for ART2 *) resetflag2[u_,p_,c_,rho_]:= Module[{r,flag}, r = (u + c p) / (vmag2[u] + vmag2[c p]); If[rho/vmag2[r] > 1,flag=True,flag=False]; Return[flag]; ]; winner[p_,val_] := First[First[Position[p,val]]] compete[f2Activities_] := Module[{i,x,f2dim,maxpos}, x=f2Activities; maxpos=First[First[Position[x,Max[f2Activities]]]]; f2dim = Length[x]; For[i=1,i<=f2dim,i++, If[i!=maxpos,x[[i]]=0;Continue] (* end of If *) ]; (* end of For *) Return[x]; ]; (* end of Module *) art1Init[f1dim_,f2dim_,b1_,d1_,el_,del1_,del2_] := Module[{z12,z21}, z12 = Table[Table[(b1-1)/d1 + del1,{f2dim}],{f1dim}]; z21 = Table[Table[(el/(el-1+f1dim)-del2),{f1dim}],{f2dim}]; Return[{z12,z21}]; ]; (* end of Module *) art1[f1dim_,f2dim_,a1_,b1_,c1_,d1_,el_,rho_,f1Wts_,f2Wts_,inputs_] := \ Module[{droplistinit,droplist,notDone=True,i,nIn=Length[inputs],\ reset, n,sf1,t,xf2,uf2,v,windex,matchList,newMatchList,tdWts,buWts}, droplistinit = Table[1,{f2dim}]; (* initialize droplist *) tdWts=f1Wts; buWts=f2Wts; matchList = (* construct list of F2 units and encoded input \ patterns *) Table[{StringForm["Unit ",n]},{n,f2dim}]; While[notDone==True,newMatchList = matchList; (* process until \ stable *) For[i=1,i<=nIn,i++,in = inputs[[i]]; (* process inputs in \ sequence *) droplist = droplistinit;reset=True; (* initialize *) While[reset==True, (* cycle until no \ reset *) xf1 = in/(1+a1*(in+b1)+c1); (* activities *) sf1 = Map[If[#>0,1,0]&,xf1]; (* F1 outputs *) t= buWts . sf1; (* F2 net-inputs *) t = t droplist; (* turn off \ inhibited units *) xf2 = compete[t]; (* F2 activities *) uf2 = Map[If[#>0,1,0]&,xf2]; (* F2 outputs *) windex = winner[uf2,1]; (* winning index *) v= tdWts . uf2; (* F1 net-inputs *) xf1 =(in+ d1*v-b1)/(1+a1*(in+d1*v)+c1); (* new F1 activities \ *) sf1 = Map[If[#>0,1,0]&,xf1]; (* new F1 outputs *) \ reset = resetflag1[sf1,in,rho]; (* check reset *) If[reset==True,droplist[[windex]]=0; (* update droplist *) \ Print["Reset with pattern ",i," on unit \ ",windex],Continue]; ]; (* end of While reset==True *) Print["Resonance established on unit ",windex," with pattern \ ",i]; tdWts=Transpose[tdWts]; (* resonance, so update weights,top \ down first *) tdWts[[windex]]=sf1; tdWts=Transpose[tdWts]; buWts[[windex]] = el/(el-1+vmag1[sf1]) sf1; (* then bottom up *) \ matchList[[windex]] = (* update matching \ list *) Reverse[Union[matchList[[windex]],{i}]]; ]; (* end of For i=1 to nIn *) If[matchList==newMatchList,notDone=False; (* see if matchList \ is static *) Print["Network stable"], Print["Network not stable"]; newMatchList = matchList];]; (* end of While notDone==True *) Return[{tdWts,buWts,matchList}]; ]; (* end of Module *) art2F1[in_,a_,b_,d_,tdWts_,f1d_,winr_:0] := Module[{w,x,u,v,p,q,i}, w=x=u=v=p=q=Table[0,{f1d}]; For[i=1,i<=2,i++, w = in + a u; x = w / vmag2[w]; v = f[x] + b f[q]; u = v / vmag2[v]; p = If[winr==0,u, u + d Transpose[tdWts][[winr]] ]; q = p / vmag2[p]; ]; (* end of For i *) Return[{u,p}]; ] (* end of Module *) art2Init[f1dim_,f2dim_,d_,del1_] := Module[{z12,z21}, z12 = Table[Table[0 ,{f2dim}],{f1dim}]; z21 = Table[Table[del1/((1-d)*Sqrt[f1dim] ), {f1dim}],{f2dim}]; Return[{z12,z21}]; ]; (* end of Module *) art2[f1dim_,f2dim_,a1_,b1_,c1_,d_,theta_,rho_,f1Wts_,f2Wts_,inputs_] := \ Module[{droplistinit,droplist,notDone=True,i,nIn= \ Length[inputs],reset, u,p,t,xf2,uf2,v,windex,matchList,newMatchList,tdWts,buWts}, droplistinit = Table[1,{f2dim}]; (* initialize droplist *) tdWts = f1Wts; buWts = f2Wts; u = p = Table[0,{f1dim}]; (* construct list of F2 units and encodedinput patterns *) matchList = Table[{StringForm["Unit ``",n]},{n,f2dim}]; While[notDone==True,newMatchList = matchList; (* process until \ stable *) For[i=1,i<=nIn,i++, (* process each input pattern in \ sequence *) droplist = droplistinit; (* initialize droplist for new \ input *) reset=True; in = inputs[[i]]; (* next input pattern *) windex = 0; (* initialize *) While[reset==True, (* cycle until no reset *) {u,p} = art2F1[in,a1,b1,d,tdWts,f1dim,windex]; t= buWts . p; (* F2 net-inputs *) t = t droplist; (* turn off inhibited units *) xf2 = compete[t]; (* F2 activities *) uf2 = Map[g,xf2]; (* F2 outputs *) windex = winner[uf2,d]; (* winning index *) {u,p} = art2F1[in,a1,b1,d,tdWts,f1dim,windex]; reset = resetflag2[u,p,c1,rho]; (* check reset *) If[reset==True,droplist[[windex]]=0; (* update droplist *) Print["Reset with pattern ",i," on unit \ ",windex],Continue]; ]; (* end of While reset==True *) Print["Resonance established on unit ", windex," with pattern \ ",i]; tdWts=Transpose[tdWts]; (* resonance, so update weights *) tdWts[[windex]]=u/(1-d); tdWts=Transpose[tdWts]; buWts[[windex]] = u/(1-d); matchList[[windex]] = (* update matching list *) Reverse[Union[matchList[[windex]],{i}]]; ]; (* end of For i=1 to nIn *) If[matchList==newMatchList,notDone=False; (* see if matchList is \ static *) Print["Network stable"],Print["Network not stable"]; newMatchList = matchList]; ]; (* end of While notDone==True *) Return[{tdWts,buWts,matchList}]; ]; (* end of Module *) End[] (* end the private context *) EndPackage[] (* end the package context *)