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Re: Neural networks with mathematica

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg83474] Re: Neural networks with mathematica
  • From: Jean-Marc Gulliet <jeanmarc.gulliet at>
  • Date: Wed, 21 Nov 2007 02:53:30 -0500 (EST)
  • Organization: The Open University, Milton Keynes, UK
  • References: <fhu7mu$7cv$>

dinodeblasio at wrote:

> i would like to run one ART1 network, to this purpose i have found the
> seguent code on some article:

It may be interesting to state what article it is, from whom, and where 
it has been published (in a scholarly journal, an edited book, 
proceedings of a conference, general audience magazine, web site, etc.) 
so readers of this newsgroup may also read it and better understand what 
the problem is.

> "these are some variables"
> a1_ = 1
> b1_ = 1.5
> c1_ = 5
> d1_ = 0.9
> el_ = 3
> del1_ = 0.2
> del2_ = 0.1
> "then i would run the code written below, but i have some problem and
> it doesnt work, it never finish to calculate. You can find the
> Mathematica package below at:


This package as well as some others are available on MathSource at

This page contains material that supplement James A. Freeman's book, 
"Simulating Neural Networks with Mathematica", Addison-Wesley, 1994.

So, why not using the link to the official web site for the code?

(By the way I could not help noticing that your web page contains a link 
to an illegal copy of a copyrighted book for another very well known 
numerical software used mainly by engineers).

Thus, to get meaningful answers, it would be netter to use and post 
official sources for software and copyrighted material in addition to 
clearly state what your problem is (the directions you followed from the 
article or book, the expected or original author result(s), the 
result(s) you got from your trials, a comparison or analysis of the 
discrepancies, any error or warning messages, the version of Mathematica 
you are using, etc.).


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