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Interpolating arrays

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg83539] Interpolating arrays
  • From: "Fred Klingener" <gigabitbucket at>
  • Date: Thu, 22 Nov 2007 04:54:30 -0500 (EST)
  • Reply-to: "Fred Klingener" <gigabitbucket at>

Interpolation (according to the doc center) offers to construct an 
interpolating function given x values and f[x] values in the following 

Interpolation[{{x1, f1},{x2, f2},...{xi, fi}...]

Down a few lines, doc center says:
The fi can be lists or arrays of any dimension

I'm interested in interpolating between 2D geometric points {a, b}, and a 
naive form would be

p = Interpolation[{{x1, {a1, b1}},{x2, {a2, b2}},...,{xi, {ai, bi}}...}], 
expecting to get a form where p[x] would return a 2D point.

Too naive it seems, because it doesn't work. As far as I can determine, it 
returns only an Interpolation on a. How come?

It's straightforward enough to construct separate 1D interpolations on a and 
b, then reassemble them later, but that's just clumsy and seems just not the 
Mathematica Way.

Any help?


Fred Klingener

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