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Re: Problems with Mathematica text in email

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg83575] Re: Problems with Mathematica text in email
  • From: David Bailey <dave at>
  • Date: Fri, 23 Nov 2007 05:34:27 -0500 (EST)
  • References: <fi3kuv$c7h$>

Kevin J. McCann wrote:
> I have noticed recently that a number of posts show text with powers and 
> other symbols. For example, x^2+y^2==z^3 shows up with the nice 
> exponentials in the text rather than what I just showed. I am not sure 
> how this was copied, but I can't get it. Anyway, when I copy such things 
> into a notebook it comes out as x2+y2==z3, which makes it difficult to use.
> Is there a way to copy this stuff into a notebook so it does it 
> correctly? If not, then it would be nice if posters would Copy As Plain 
> Text. Does anyone else have this problem? I am using Thunderbird under WXP.
> Kevin
There may be better ways to do this, but (at least using Thunderbird) 
you can select an option to "view message source". This is a bit messy, 
but the above appears in the same form as Mathematica InputForm - with 
circumflex characters - so this will copy and paste as required.

David Bailey

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