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Maximum file size

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg82094] Maximum file size
  • From: Aranthon <a.dwarf at>
  • Date: Fri, 12 Oct 2007 02:50:25 -0400 (EDT)

I'm trying to analyze the results of a long calculation (5500 time
steps of a finite difference calc on a 90 x 90 x 21 mesh).  The data
are in an external file, but when I even try to read part of it,
Mathematica seems to take one look and curl up into the fetal

fid = OpenRead[saveFilename, BinaryFormat -> True]
BinaryRead[fid, "Real32"]

Out[24]= InputStream["video1_100407-c.solv", 35]

Out[25]= EndOfFile

Out[26]= "video1_100407-c.solv"

I know the file is good because I can still get at it using other
tools.  Most likely I'll throw together an external program that will
take the filename and re-write a subset of the data to a new,
temporary file.

So my question is - does anyone know if there's a maximum size beyond
which Mathematica will not even attempt to read from a file?  Given my
results, I suspect the answer is "yes," so does anyone know what that
limit is?  If the answer is actually "no," then I'd be very interested
in knowing what I'm doing wrong.



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