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Re: How Import data from Excel and make a list of numbers

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg82163] Re: How Import data from Excel and make a list of numbers
  • From: Bill Rowe <readnewsciv at>
  • Date: Sat, 13 Oct 2007 04:01:11 -0400 (EDT)

On 10/12/07 at 2:57 AM, dinodeblasio at wrote:

>How I can import in Mathematica 6 data from Excel? More in details,
>how i can trasform a list of numbers present in one excel columns->
>to one list of numbers in Mathematica 6 in the form:


You import Excel files with

data = Import[filename, "XLS"];

Assuming there is one Excel worksheet, you can get a specific
column by doing

col = data[[All,n]] where n is the column number. Or you could
combine these into one line by doing

col = Import[[filename][[All,n]];

Note, this assumes all rows in that worksheet have at least n
columns. That is if the worksheet has the form

blank row
blank row

a1  a2  a3  ...
b1  b2  b3  ...

you will get an error doing


since the first few rows have fewer than three columns. In this
case, getting the third column of the data array could be done using

col = Cases[Import[filename,"XLS"],_?(Length>3#)][[All,3]]

Of course, if you didn't create the Excel file and don't have
something that will display the structure of the file, you have
no way to know what that structure will be. What I do in those
cases is simply

data = Import[filename, "XLS"];

then use commands like Dimension, Depth, Length etc to determine
the structure. Once that is know, it is a simple matter to
extract a particular column using Part, Span etc.
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