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Re: Satellite Visualization!

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg82503] Re: Satellite Visualization!
  • From: "David Park" <djmpark at>
  • Date: Mon, 22 Oct 2007 05:44:19 -0400 (EDT)
  • References: <fff546$evq$>


I did an extended notebook on this topic ending up with an animation of the 
earth and a satellite (I called it RSS, Rational Solar Satellite, because it 
revolves exactly twice for every three orbits of the earth and thus the 
animation can run smoothly forever.)

However, it happens that this is an extended example in my DrawGraphics 
package, which I sell for $50, from my web site. You may not be interested 
because of that.

The notebook is actually titled 'Mathematica Notebooks as Pedagogical 
Documents: Derivations of the area swept out by a focal angle in an ellipse' 
and the abstract is:

"This notebook presents an example of the Mathematica style for tutorial and 
student essay notebooks that I advocate. It uses a structured notebook with 
textual discussion integrated with derivations, calculations and graphics, 
active calculation of everything and the generation of embedded knowledge. 
The notebook treats the derivation of an expression for the swept area in an 
ellipse as a function of focal angle. This result was first presented on the 
Internet by David W. Cantrell."

David Park
djmpark at

<pskmaths at> wrote in message news:fff546$evq$1 at
> Hi all,
> I have been trying to visualize an artificial satellite moving in its
> orbit around the Earth, but I could not success.
> I have manly used the command "Animate" and tried to represent the
> orbit as a circle and the satellite as a point moving on that circle.
> But I feel the result was so basic while I am looking for something
> much professional and I am sure this animation can be achieved by
> Mathematica, especially with the new version of it.
> My aim is to have an animation for this satellite where I have the
> equations of its motion
> and the radius (the distance between the satellite and the Earth).
> Any help on this would so appreciated,
> Andery

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