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Re: Plotting a large dataset

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg94255] Re: Plotting a large dataset
  • From: Jean-Marc Gulliet <jeanmarc.gulliet at>
  • Date: Tue, 9 Dec 2008 06:57:55 -0500 (EST)
  • Organization: The Open University, Milton Keynes, UK
  • References: <ghj057$fid$>

Nikolaus Rath wrote:

> I have trouble plotting a dataset of 2048000 reals. I tried the
> following code (as recently suggested on the list):
> xdata1 = ReadList[prefix <> "1.dat", Real, RecordLists -> False];
> xdata1 = Developer`ToPackedArray[xdata1];
> Dimensions[xdata1]
> (* yields {2048000} *)
> ListPlot[xdata1, PerformanceGoal -> "Speed"]
> but I'm simply running out of main memory (2 GB available). Since I
> can plot the same data within seconds using IDL, I guess Mathematica
> should be able to do the same. But how?

Hi Nikolaus,

Assuming I have understood correctly what the problem is, using the 
option *MaxPlotPoints*, fed with some appropriate value depending on 
your actual dataset, should allow ListPlot[] to display a meaningful 
plot exhibiting the main characteristics or trends of your data while 
being memory conservative.

(I am not familiar enough with IDL to be hundred percent positive here, 
but I doubt that it plots all the points: a vector of two million points 
to be displayed is likely to result in some patch of solid color on a 
white  canvas...)

Note that even though your imported data are stored as a packed array, 
this does not mean nor guarantee that subsequent computations are going 
to work directly with such structures. Indeed, as you can see in the 
code below, ListPlot[] unpacks xdata1 at some point to work on it, then 
released the memory.

One can check when packed arrays are unpacked by setting the option 
"UnpackMessage" to True as in

   SetSystemOptions[ "PackedArrayOptions" -> {"UnpackMessage" -> True}]

The current amount of memory used and the maximum amount of memory that 
was required at any given time during a Mathematica session can be 
displayed thanks to the functions MemoryInUse[] and MaxMemoryUsed[], 

Setting the system variable $HistoryLength to zero preserves memory by 
not storing the results of the evaluations in the variables Out[xx].


   $HistoryLength = 0; Needs["Developer`"]; $Version

   SetSystemOptions[ "PackedArrayOptions" -> {"UnpackMessage" -> True}];

   {MemoryInUse[], MaxMemoryUsed[]}

   numPts = 2048000;

   xdata1 = Table[N@Sin[n], {n, 0, numPts - 1}];

   If[PackedArrayQ[xdata1], , xdata1 = ToPackedArray[xdata1]];
   If[PackedArrayQ[xdata1], PackedArrayForm[xdata1]]

   {MemoryInUse[], MaxMemoryUsed[]}

   p = ListPlot[xdata1, PerformanceGoal -> "Speed",
     MaxPlotPoints -> numPts/10]

   {ByteCount[p], MemoryInUse[], MaxMemoryUsed[]}
   {ByteCount[xdata1], ByteCount[FromPackedArray[xdata1]]}

Out[1]= "6.0 for Mac OS X x86 (64-bit) (May 21, 2008)"

Out[3]= {11169864, 11557560}

Out[7]= "PackedArray"[Real, "<"2048000">"]

Out[8]= {27554192, 27557416}

During evaluation of In[1]:= FromPackedArray::unpack1: Unpacking \
array. >>

Out[10]= {3278016, 38398648, 437040856}

During evaluation of In[1]:= FromPackedArray::unpack1: Unpacking \
array. >>

Out[11]= {16384116, 49152032}

Hope this helps,
-- Jean-Marc

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