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symbolic Variance - Integration

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg84585] symbolic Variance - Integration
  • From: jess <cuaxie at>
  • Date: Sat, 5 Jan 2008 04:40:16 -0500 (EST)

Hi there!

I came across a formula for variance of a product of random variables
X and Y. The formula was given under the assumption that X and Y are
independent, and there was a remark that without this assumption the
formula is very complicated.

I thought to myslef, okay i have mathematica on my pc so let's see how
complicated it is...

Then i realized that the only way to calculate variance in mathematica
is to:
- give a list of points (i.e. uniform discrete distribution)
- give a specific distribution, and say, its parameters ( eg. normal
or gamma dist.)

so there is no way to make a symbolic calculation using an arbitrary
random variable...

Huuuh, so i thought okay variance and expected value are nothing but
integrals so i can try to define my own function using integrals (i do
not want to consider just discrete or continues random variables)...

and then i realized i can't even obtain that integration is additive
i.e. from

Integrate[f[x] + g[x], x]

i could not get

Integrate[f[x], x] + Integrate[g[x], x]

(so my function for expected value would not even tell me that
EValue(X+Y) = EValue(X) + EValue(Y)... not to mention about
calculating Variance( XY) = ????.... )

Coming back to my original problem: how to make mathematica do this

In[1] =E[XY]

and further

In[2]= ??????????

Please I would appreciate absolutely any comment at all...


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