MathGroup Archive 2008

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Mathematica 6.01 kernel crash report. reproducible. C++ run-time error, R6025, pure virtual function call.

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg84913] Mathematica 6.01 kernel crash report. reproducible. C++ run-time error, R6025, pure virtual function call.
  • From: "Nasser Abbasi" <nma at>
  • Date: Sat, 19 Jan 2008 06:01:07 -0500 (EST)

I think I did something bad here.

Here is a notebook which crashes Mathematica 6.0.1 everytime.  Just open the 
notebook and hit ENTER, then it will crash.

In this folder below, there is the notebook itself, and 3 screen shots 
images of the crash.

here is the code also

Manipulate[currentTime = 0; x = RandomReal[{-0.9, 0.9}]; y = 
RandomReal[{-0.9, 0.9}]; r = 0.1;
   g = Disk[{x, y}, r]; dx = 0.01; dy = 0.01; Dynamic[If[currentTime < 
     stateChange[]; Graphics[g, ImageMargins -> 0, Frame -> True, 
ImagePadding -> 1,
       PlotRangeClipping -> False, PlotRange -> 1], g], 
SynchronousUpdating -> True],
  {currentTime, 0, ControlType -> None}, {simulationTime, 100, 2000, 0.1, 
ContinuousAction -> False},
  TrackedSymbols -> {simulationTime, g}, Initialization :>
   {stateChange[] := Module[{}, g = Disk[{x += dx, y += dy}, r]; 
       If[Abs[x] >= 0.9, dx = -dx]; If[Abs[y] >= 0.9, dy = -dy]; 
Pause[0.01]; currentTime++;
       Print[currentTime]; ]}

btw, the bug shows up when I added the following:

                  {currentTime, 0, ControlType -> None},

to the above code. Remove the above and the crash will go away. I hope this 
helps locate the bug.

ps. I also send email to Wolfram support for this, but since I am not a 
"Premier Service customer" I this the email will be tossed away. I am just 
trying to help here.

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