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How can I create a two-axis graph in Mathematica v6

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg91718] How can I create a two-axis graph in Mathematica v6
  • From: avteran1 at
  • Date: Sat, 6 Sep 2008 02:08:24 -0400 (EDT)

Hello All,

In my efforts to create a two-axis graph in Mathematica v6. I came
across a Mathematica Technical Support FAQ titled "Can I create a two-
axis graph in Mathematica?" There are two versions of this FAQ the
most recent and updated version of the FAQ can be found at the
following URL:

The URL site provides a Mathematica notebook titled "twoaxisgraph.en"
which may be downloaded.

I have downloaded the "twoaxisgraph.en" notebook and have tried to use
it for my application but I continue to have problems with this code.
Without making any changes to the downloaded notebook and when
evaluating the part of the notebook that is for Mathematica 6.0 and
later, I do not get the same output plot as originally displayed in
the downloaded notebook. Specifically I am referring to the output
plots Out[4], Out[5], Out[7], and Out[8] that appear in the first part
of the web page. Instead, the output has "Null^4" preceding the plot
and the image size of the output plot is small and must be resized
manually to be able to be viewed.

This is one problem with the part of the notebook dealing with
"Working with Continuous Plots" with "Mathematica 6.0 and Later." The
second problem is that it seems this code does not entirely do what I
need it to do.

Ideally I would like to have something similar to the TwoAxisPlot
command that is used in the section "Working with Continuous Plots"
for "Mathematica Versions Prior to 6.0." That version allows you to
specify the common "x-range" to both plots and choose the "y-ranges"
for each individual plot to be plotted. This way you can see both
plots in their entirety regardless if one plots range is many times
larger than the others. Please refer to both the input and output
graphics of the last section of the web page, specifically In[2],
In[3], Out[2], and Out[3].

I need help with either making the code for "Working with Continuous
Plots" with "Mathematica 6.0 and Later" do what the code for "Working
with Continuous Plots" with "Mathematica Versions Prior to 6.0" does,
or change the code in "Working with Continuous Plots" with
"Mathematica Versions Prior to 6.0" so that it will work in
Mathematica v6. (Please refer to the URL)

I am not very knowledgeable in Mathematica programming so any
assistance with this matter would be greatly appreciated. Any
suggestions or insight on how to change this notebook code to apply to
my needs would also help. As a reminder I am using Mathematica

Thank you,

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