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Re: iterative convolution, discret convolution N times of

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg102448] Re: [mg102424] iterative convolution, discret convolution N times of
  • From: "Elton Kurt TeKolste" <tekolste at>
  • Date: Sun, 9 Aug 2009 18:20:21 -0400 (EDT)
  • References: <>


I suspect that you should double-check the documentation for
DiscreteConvolve: the argument of each function should be included in
its declaration as a parameter.  This means that the dummy variable in
the function (m) does not matter since it is called with the new dummy
(x).  Unfortunately, a bit of experimentation reveals that this does not
solve your problem...


I tried this with an example and it still did not work since
DiscreteConvolve returns what seems to be a function but is not;

Borrowing an example from the documentation

In[43]:= f = DiscreteConvolve[DiscreteDelta[n], Sin[n], n, m]

Out[43]= Sin[m]

It looks good, but is apparently not the answer since f is not a
function and thus is not suitable for use in your recursion.

In[44]:= f[\[Pi]]

Out[44]= Sin[m][\[Pi]]

One supposes that the problem is that Sin[m] is not the same thing as
What seems to work is to force f to be a function

In[45]:= f = 
 Function[m, DiscreteConvolve[DiscreteDelta[n], Sin[n], n, m]]

Out[45]= Function[m, DiscreteConvolve[DiscreteDelta[n], Sin[n], n, m]]

In[46]:= f[\[Pi]]

Out[46]= 0

We notice, however, that this strategy leaves the convolution
unevaluated, which might not work if you intend to do this recursively
(I can't tell without knowing fd).  However, the evaluation can be

In[47]:= f = 
  Evaluate[DiscreteConvolve[DiscreteDelta[n], Sin[n], n, m]]]

Out[47]= Function[m, Sin[m]]

In[48]:= f[\[Pi]/2]

Out[48]= 1

Perhaps those of our participants who are more familiar with the
underlying principles that govern Mathematica can explain why
DiscreteConvolve[...,m] is not a function of m.  

At any rate, I am guessing that the solution to your problem is to use


in your loop.


On Sun, 09 Aug 2009 06:04 -0400, "Anna" <petitmouton at> wrote:
> HI, I'm trying to do N time convulution of a density funtion called
> "fd" with itself . I tried to write an algorithm as shown
> For[i = 1; convn = fd, i <= N, i++,
>  convn = DiscreteConvolve[convn, fd , x, m, Assumptions -> m > 0];
>  Print[convn]]
> The initial function fd(x) has x as input variable. After the
> convolution, the results convn(m) is in the function of m instead of
> x. That's the reason why the algorithm I wrote doesn't work after the
> first iteration since the DiscreteConvolve function couldn't find the
> input in a function as x anymore.
> I would like to ask a question is there a way to change the variable
> of a function? for exemple: how can I replace a function y = x+1 by y=m
> +1 ???? and is there another way to easily do a convolution N times of
> the same function? Thank you very much.
> Best regards,
> Victoria
Kurt Tekolste

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