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Re: Linux Mathematica

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg99577] Re: Linux Mathematica
  • From: Peter Pein <petsie at>
  • Date: Fri, 8 May 2009 00:17:04 -0400 (EDT)
  • References: <gtudap$imj$>

Michael J Knap schrieb:
> Ubuntu 9.04 Jaunty 64 bit
> Mathematica 7.0.0 64 bit
> I see high cpu usage, causing my laptop to get extremely hot. I would 
> like to resolve the issue, so that I can get more Mathematica work done. 
> It seems that Java may be part of the cause; can that be disabled?
> Also, I work on a campus with a Mathematica 6.00 network license. Can I 
> setup my 7.0.0 frontend to utilize their 6.0 kernels over the network, 
> freeing my machine of the cpu-hogging kernel?

Hi Michael,

I do not know, why Mathematica starts Java without (obvious) need. Is it 
really Java, which uses a lot of resources? What does the command top say 
(sorted by CPU-usage)? I tried it with an older version and Java seems to use 
some resources when the Frontend has sth. to do (but why? Mathematica goes

There are applets designed to run in the panel. I set my Ubunto to german, so 
I do not know, how "Überwachung der Prozessortaktstufen" might be called in 
english. In my eyes the german translation should be "CPU-Takt" and means 
"CPU-clock". With this applet you can manage the maximal CPU-clock.
On my Laptop with an AMD Turion X2 I've chosen two of these applets (one for 
each core). Set the clock to "powersafe", if you do not want high performance 
(and high tempereatures).
But I'm afraid you will be able to run Mathematica for a longer time but not 
to do more tasks...


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