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Re: ColorFunction on a linux system (xorg) loses graphics

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg99671] Re: ColorFunction on a linux system (xorg) loses graphics
  • From: Peter Pein <petsie at>
  • Date: Sun, 10 May 2009 05:20:22 -0400 (EDT)
  • References: <gu3020$oka$>

Curtis Osterhoudt schrieb:
> Dear all, 
>    I've been having a frustrating time with plotting things on a compositing (for example, KDE 4.2) system, so turned the compositing off. To my surprise, I still can't get graphics to show up correctly. This is using Mathematica 7.0.0 on any recent linux kernel, on KDE or XFCE, or Enlightenment.
>    Any 3D plot (a simple Plot3D) will work, but I can see the output *only* when rotating it with the mouse. Once the rotation/resize is done, the graphics show up as white-on-white again. When saving such output, .PDF works, but anything raster based (like jpg) gives only the white output. 
>    To my further surprise, any graphics expression (even those in the Help documentation) which uses a ColorFunction statement don't show up either, whether they're 2D or 3D. For example, the following (taken right from the documentation) gives only a blank output:
> Plot[Sinc[x], {x, 0, 10}, PlotStyle -> Thick, 
>  ColorFunction -> Function[{x, y}, ColorData["NeonColors"][y]]]
>   Now, it may be a peculiarity of my graphics setup, but no other programs are giving me any problems.
>   Is there any advice for things I can try? I'd like to keep my gee-whiz graphics setup if possible, but if it's not possible, I'll change things to accomodate Mathematica.
Hi Curtis,
on an Ubuntu system I use a script, which calls Mathematica with parameters 
which let me use the mouse-wheel and the NumLock-key. Additionally it sets the 
environment variable XLIB_SKIP_ARGB_VISUALS to 1, which removed problems 
similar to the one you describe. Maybe it is worth a try (the little utility 
"imwheel" has to be installed):

petsie@leierkasten:~$ cat run-math

# version 4
# `-r' flag means don't use the "Configurator"
# and pass wheel events to the root window
# Ensure a single instance of Mathematica with
# the option `-singleLaunch'.
# Allow the use of the NumLock key with the
# '-primaryModifierMask' and '-secondaryModifierMask'
# switches.

MARGS="-singleLaunch -primaryModifierMask Mod1Mask -secondaryModifierMask 

if `ps -C imwheel > /dev/null`; then
   imwheel -r
   imwheel -kq

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