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Re: Introducing the Wolfram Mathematica Tutorial

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg99754] Re: Introducing the Wolfram Mathematica Tutorial
  • From: Bill Rowe <readnews at>
  • Date: Wed, 13 May 2009 05:08:06 -0400 (EDT)

On 5/12/09 at 3:08 AM, btreat1 at (DrMajorBob) wrote:

>In addition, the Mac OS/X Spotlight will search _all_ text PDFs on
>the disk for a word or phrase, almost instantly. Every PDF that
>includes the word BinCounts, say, appears at once. Each promising
>document has to be opened separately for a local search, but it's
>not hard to ignore your own notebooks if you want to, or FOCUS on
>your own code examples, if you prefer.

>This would also work for Doc center notebooks if they were (a) on
>the disk and (b) NOT in system directories ignored by Spotlight. (So
>it DOESN'T work for Doc center notebooks.)

But Spotlight isn't the only tool available on a Mac for doing
searches on a Mac. There are the Unix tools find and grep which
allow searches for any text in any file regardless of whether it
is part of an application package or not. Additionally, this can
be done from Mathematica itself using FindList with FileNames.
And all of this works just fine with notebooks. In fact, since
notebooks are ASCII files, these tools work better with
notebooks than PDF files.

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