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Bug of NotebookRead

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg100125] Bug of NotebookRead
  • From: Hannes Kessler <HannesKessler at>
  • Date: Mon, 25 May 2009 06:18:55 -0400 (EDT)


cell tags could be very useful to extract quickly selected information
from notebooks, see David Reiss presentation

But be aware of the following bug of NotebookRead applied to tagged
cells in a structured notebook with sections and subsections:
The section cell and the input / output cells in the example are
tagged, but not the subsection cell. The resulting notebook contains
only the section cell. The tagged input/ouput cells are lost as a
consequence of the read notebook data containing a wrong CellGroupData
[[{Cell[..]},Cell[..]] instead of a correct CellGroupData[[{Cell
[..],Cell[..]}]. This could be fixed by a corresponding replacement
rule. But the second input/output cell is missing completely and
cannot be recovered at all.

notebook1 = Notebook[{
    Cell["Section 1", "Section", CellTags -> "zzz"],
    Cell["Subsection 1 (no tag)", "Subsection"],
    Cell[BoxData[RowBox[{"x", "=", "1"}]], "Input", CellTags ->
    Cell[BoxData["1"], "Output", CellTags -> "zzz"],
    Cell[BoxData[RowBox[{"y", "=", "2"}]], "Input", CellTags ->
    Cell[BoxData["2"], "Output", CellTags -> "zzz"]
notebookObject = NotebookPut[notebook1, WindowTitle -> "Notebook 1"];
NotebookFind[notebookObject, "zzz", All, CellTags];
notebookData = NotebookRead[notebookObject]
notebook2 = Notebook[Flatten[{notebookData}]];
NotebookPut[notebook2, WindowTitle -> "Notebook 2"];

Did anybody encounter this problem, are there workarounds? I am new to
the tagging approach and a bit frustrated as this was my very first
experience with it.

I am using Mathematica 7.0.1 on Windows XP

Best regards,
Hannes Kessler

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