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Re: Wolfram|Alpha Lookup Tool for Mathematica

In article <gv5e4a$igh$1 at>,
 Murray Eisenberg <murray at> wrote:

> FWIW, my take on this is somewhat the other way 'round -- based upon 
> what Stephen Wolfram has said explicitly and upon some well-known past 
> history...
> Wolfram says that for many years he had the goal of a computational 
> knowledge engine.  When the curated databases and related functions 
> showed up in Mathematica 6 and 7, I was a puzzled as to what new market 
> for Mathematica he was really aiming for. But now it's clear that a 
> primary impetus for that added Mathematica functionality was to provide 
> a tool for his computational knowledge engine.
> Similarly, past additions to Mathematica could be explained (after the 
> fact, perhaps) as tools that enabled him to better do NKS types of 
> computations.
> This is not to say that enhancements to Mathematica cannot also be 
> accounted for as simply widening its functionality and market. Just that 
> there really have been some very fundamental driving forces having to do 
> with much broader goals -- not just the development of Mathematica per se.

Very thoughtful and interesting post.  Can't say whether it's correct or 
not -- or maybe better a better phrasing would be, can't say how much 
truth is in it.  But it could explain a lot.

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