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Re: Logscale Tick Function

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg100128] Re: Logscale Tick Function
  • From: "M.Roellig" <markus.roellig at>
  • Date: Tue, 26 May 2009 05:06:50 -0400 (EDT)
  • References: <gvdr73$72h$>


oops! Typo on my side. The examples should read:

LogLogPlot[x, {x, 10^-3, 10^5}, Ticks -> logtic]
LogLogPlot[x, {x, 10^-3, 10^15}, Ticks -> logtic]
LogLogPlot[x, {x, 10^-3, 10^35}, Ticks -> logtic]

since i named the function logtic :)

On side remark: The function is not working well if the min and max values are
less thansay a few dex apart, e.g. compare:

LogLogPlot[x, {x, 100, 700}, Ticks -> logtic]

(* with standard tic function *)
LogLogPlot[x, {x, 100, 700}, Ticks -> Automatic]

My function reasonably places the subticks, but fails in labeling so
you get a plot with
nice but meaningless ticks. The standard labeling algorithm is better
here, but still
fails in placing the sub(sub)ticks. I will try to improve it, but feel
free to send me your ideas.

On the strange uneven tick lengths:

>Looks uneven to me as well, but since the ticks are very small, this
>may be a pixel rounding problem. Your ticks seem to be a bit uneven as

That's true and this is like it is supposed to be, because I use the
exact same
tick lengths like the standard LogPlot, This seems to be a rendering
not a problem of the Graphics Primitives.


On May 25, 12:17 pm, "w... at" <w... at>
> Sir, this does not work on my WinXP M7.01 -- I get err message "Expected =
a list of tick specifications".
> Whether it works or not, I sure don't understand your use of Ticks->tic. =
 I can't find that tic is defined anywhere, certainly in the main Module.=
 Could you please give me some idea of how this works? Thanks, Rob

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