MathGroup Archive 2009

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Print numbers to ASCII file with precise column widths

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg100256] Print numbers to ASCII file with precise column widths
  • From: Chonny <jconant at>
  • Date: Fri, 29 May 2009 20:59:15 -0400 (EDT)

     I want to generate some "simple" ASCII files suitable for reading
by old Fortran programs, which expect numbers in precise formatted
columns, e.g.,  "FORMAT(I5,F10.3,E10.5)".  I've been trying all sorts
of variations of PaddedForm, FortranForm, OutputForm, .....

     Here's an example with a simple negative integer:

strm = OpenWrite["testout.txt"];
WriteString[strm, ToString[ PaddedForm[-11, 5] ] <> "\n"];
WriteString[strm, "1234567890"];


The font in this post doesn't show it, but the "-11" ends in the 6th
column, not the 5th.  And then I need to tackle floats with
exponents!!   I obviously don't understand the underlying Mathematica
V7 output functionality.

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