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Re: difference between HeavisidePi and UnitBox

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg100286] Re: difference between HeavisidePi and UnitBox
  • From: Jens-Peer Kuska <kuska at>
  • Date: Sun, 31 May 2009 06:33:24 -0400 (EDT)
  • References: <gvq08j$moo$>


what happens at x->1/2  and x->-1/2 with HeavisidePi[] and UnitBox[] ?

For distributions like HeavisidePi[] that are used
inside of an integral the single
point does not matter. For functions like UnitBox[] it may be important.


Anatoly wrote:
> I am a very new user, and am not quite clear on the difference between
> general (HeavisidePi) and numerical (UnitBox, or piecewise) functions.
> When I try to create a 5-bar pattern using one of these and apply a
> FourierTransform, I have varying degrees of success...
> With HeavisidePi I can create an infinite series of them and
> FourierTransform has no problems, but it doesn't like modifying the
> argument as in HeavisidePi(x/w)
> With UnitBox I have the opposite issue.
> Is there a clear explanation on the difference between the two groups
> of functions, and when I should use which?

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