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Re: Replacement Rule with Sqrt in denominator. Also Bug in Series; see Semantica / Harris solution

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg114638] Re: Replacement Rule with Sqrt in denominator. Also Bug in Series; see Semantica / Harris solution
  • From: Richard Fateman <fateman at>
  • Date: Sat, 11 Dec 2010 01:54:08 -0500 (EST)

I just came across this, from a link in this newsgroup, 10 years ago or so.
Jason Harris wrote a package called "Semantica" for pattern matching.
It rewrites ReplaceAll etc etc etc, and adds a functionality by
producing new rules if the LHS includes "Semantic" parts. Thus

f[8] /. f[Semantic[2*x_]] -> g[x]

returns g[4].

f[3+4 I] /. f[Semantic[a_+b_ I] -> aha[a,b]

returns aha[3,4]

  .. actually, it doesn't quite do that in version 7.0, but
it almost does.  I don't know if the bug would be exhibited in
the version of Mathematica current in 1999. It seems to involve
a disagreement about dynamic binding.

Harris' code requires the use of Solve when defining rules,
but often need not use Solve when applying them.


For your information, the first of the rules above, f[Semantic[2*x_]]->g[x]
is converted to
{HoldPattern[f[L$10_]] :> With[{x = L$10/2}, g[x] /; True]}

There are various limitations in the rule transformations, like only
single-underscore variables are allowed.

Actually, it doesn't handle the rule  Sqrt[x] -> g.

but maybe that could be added. Perhaps it could become
x^(r_) :> With[{L = 2*r}, g^L /; Denominator[r] == 2]

Harris' code looks fairly complicated, but can be downloaded free.
Not like the paper, which appeared in the "Mathematica Journal".

I guess Jason Harris is doing something else now.


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