Re: Idiomatic use of Reduce in a physics problem
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg114854] Re: Idiomatic use of Reduce in a physics problem
- From: Eduardo Cavazos <wayo.cavazos at>
- Date: Mon, 20 Dec 2010 00:40:50 -0500 (EST)
- References: <1292134503.1714.109.camel@dharmatech-ThinkPad-T61>
Hello, I received some great feedback from a couple of folks on the list. Jerry Blimbaum shared the following notebook with me: It illustrates another approach to solving the problem. Barry Stokes took my solution and explored a few variations on the problem: Ed On Sun, 2010-12-12 at 00:15 -0600, Eduardo Cavazos wrote: > Hello, > > Let's use Mathematica to solve a basic projectile motion problem. Yes, > Mathematica is basically overkill for such a problem, but it does > illustrate some Mathematica techniques. > > A home run is hit in such a way that the baseball just > clears a wall 21.0 m high, located 130 m from home > plate. The ball is hit at an angle of 35.0° to the horizon- > tal, and air resistance is negligible. Find (a) the initial > speed of the ball, (b) the time it takes the ball to reach > the wall, and (c) the velocity components and the speed > of the ball when it reaches the wall. (Assume the ball is > hit at a height of 1.00 m above the ground.) > > This is problem 4.49 from Physics for Scientists and Engineers by Serway > and Jewett. > > As usual, there are a bunch of ways to go about expressing the solution > in Mathematica. Below is one way using Reduce and Notation (to provide > something similar to traditional vector notation). > > My question is, is this idiomatic use of Mathematica? I'm a Mathematica > beginner and I'm venturing into somewhat more esotetic features like > Notation. My approach in the solution is to provide one big expression > to Reduce such that all the answers "pop out" in one step. Why the > Reduce chain at the end? Sometimes when using Reduce, I have to go > through a trial and error discovery of which vars will yield a result > such that the answers are not in terms of other variables. Chaining > Reduce seems to be easier. If this is a bad idea, let me know. (Yeah, it > looks a little sloppy, but it's so convenient. :-) > > Finally, I apologize for including the output in the complex looking > Cell Expression format; plain old Copy/Paste didn't seem to work in this > example. If you paste the expression below into Mathematica, it should > look better. > > Thanks for any suggestions. > > Ed > > { > Cell[BoxData[{ > RowBox[{"<<", "Notation`"}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", > RowBox[{"Notation", "[", > RowBox[{ > TemplateBox[{OverscriptBox["v_", "\[RightVector]"]}, > "NotationTemplateTag"], " ", "\[DoubleLongLeftRightArrow]", " ", > TemplateBox[{RowBox[{"{", > RowBox[{ > SubscriptBox["v_", "x"], ",", > SubscriptBox["v_", "y"]}], "}"}]}, > "NotationTemplateTag"]}], "]"}]}], "Input"], > > Cell[BoxData[{ > RowBox[{ > RowBox[{"{", "\[IndentingNewLine]", > RowBox[{ > RowBox[{ > OverscriptBox[ > SubscriptBox["v", "f"], "\[RightVector]"], "\[Equal]", > RowBox[{ > OverscriptBox[ > SubscriptBox["v", "i"], "\[RightVector]"], "+", > RowBox[{ > OverscriptBox["a", "\[RightVector]"], "*", "t"}]}]}], ",", > "\[IndentingNewLine]", > RowBox[{ > OverscriptBox[ > SubscriptBox["r", "f"], "\[RightVector]"], "\[Equal]", > RowBox[{ > OverscriptBox[ > SubscriptBox["r", "i"], "\[RightVector]"], "+", > RowBox[{ > OverscriptBox[ > SubscriptBox["v", "i"], "\[RightVector]"], "*", "t"}], "+", > RowBox[{ > RowBox[{"1", "/", "2"}], "*", > OverscriptBox["a", "\[RightVector]"], "*", > SuperscriptBox["t", "2"]}]}]}], ",", "\[IndentingNewLine]", > "\[IndentingNewLine]", > RowBox[{ > OverscriptBox[ > SubscriptBox["r", "i"], "\[RightVector]"], "\[Equal]", > RowBox[{"{", > RowBox[{"0", ",", "1"}], "}"}]}], ",", "\[IndentingNewLine]", > "\[IndentingNewLine]", > RowBox[{ > SubscriptBox[ > SubscriptBox["v", "i"], "x"], ">", "0"}], ",", > RowBox[{ > SubscriptBox[ > SubscriptBox["v", "i"], "y"], ">", "0"}], ",", > "\[IndentingNewLine]", "\[IndentingNewLine]", > RowBox[{ > RowBox[{"Tan", "[", > RowBox[{"\[Theta]", " ", "Degree"}], "]"}], "\[Equal]", > RowBox[{ > SubscriptBox[ > SubscriptBox["v", "i"], "y"], "/", > SubscriptBox[ > SubscriptBox["v", "i"], "x"]}]}], ",", "\[IndentingNewLine]", > "\[IndentingNewLine]", > RowBox[{"\[Theta]", "\[Equal]", "35"}], ",", > "\[IndentingNewLine]", "\[IndentingNewLine]", > RowBox[{"t", ">", "0"}], ",", " ", > RowBox[{ > OverscriptBox["a", "\[RightVector]"], "\[Equal]", > RowBox[{"{", > RowBox[{"0", ",", > RowBox[{"-", "9.8"}]}], "}"}]}], ",", "\[IndentingNewLine]", > "\[IndentingNewLine]", > RowBox[{ > OverscriptBox[ > SubscriptBox["r", "f"], "\[RightVector]"], "\[Equal]", > RowBox[{"{", > RowBox[{"130", ",", "21"}], "}"}]}], ",", "\[IndentingNewLine]", > "\[IndentingNewLine]", > RowBox[{ > SubscriptBox[ > SubscriptBox["v", "f"], "x"], "\[Equal]", > SubscriptBox[ > SubscriptBox["v", "i"], "x"]}], ",", "\[IndentingNewLine]", > "\[IndentingNewLine]", > RowBox[{"initialSpeed", "\[Equal]", > RowBox[{"Norm", "[", > OverscriptBox[ > SubscriptBox["v", "i"], "\[RightVector]"], "]"}]}], ",", > "\[IndentingNewLine]", > RowBox[{"finalSpeed", "\[Equal]", > RowBox[{"Norm", "[", > OverscriptBox[ > SubscriptBox["v", "f"], "\[RightVector]"], "]"}]}]}], > "\[IndentingNewLine]", "}"}], ";"}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", > RowBox[{ > RowBox[{"Reduce", "[", "%", "]"}], ";"}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", > RowBox[{ > RowBox[{"Reduce", "[", "%", "]"}], ";"}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", > RowBox[{"Reduce", "[", "%", "]"}]}], "Input", > CellChangeTimes->{{3.5011213954975023`*^9, 3.501121396167547*^9}, { > 3.501121440011367*^9, 3.5011216827801943`*^9}, { > 3.501121724501215*^9, 3.501121727215644*^9}, {3.501121802386731*^9, > 3.5011219002852173`*^9}, {3.501121959426733*^9, > 3.5011219697977962`*^9}, {3.501122004292712*^9, > 3.501122017755189*^9}}] > } > > >