Re: switching between versions 7 and 8
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg114899] Re: switching between versions 7 and 8
- From: AES <siegman at>
- Date: Wed, 22 Dec 2010 02:34:46 -0500 (EST)
- References: <> <iepdkl$g3r$>
In article <iepdkl$g3r$1 at>, Andrzej Kozlowski <akoz at> wrote: > I run the same system as you. I have three versions of Mathematica > installed on my MacBook Pro: 6.03, 7 and 8. I can run any of them > without problems (not at the same time, of course). The only thing I > have done was to rename the applications Mathematica v.6 as Mathematica > 6.03 and Mathematica v. 7 as Mathematica 7. The application Mathematica > 8 is named Mathematica. I did the renaming before installing the newer > version of course. That's all. I have never had any problems with my > installation. > > I feel one of us must be failing to notice something very simple ;-). > > Andrzej Kozlowski I don't expect that I'll ever try to run more than the latest version of Mathematica on my MacBook or MacBook Pro, because I have all I can do to keep up with one version (presently have 7 installed and 8 downloaded but not yet installed). So, I'm posting this query primarily for my own education (and _not_ with any hidden or concealed agenda). Appended below is a complete listing of the auxiliary folders, files, Caches, CharacterEncodings, Configurations, defaults, documentation, fonts, FrontEnds, Kernels, Paclettes, Paclette Managers, Preferences, Repositorys, resources, Setups, and so on that the Print Window utility shows are in the current ~/Library /Mathematica folder on my current MacBook There seem to be 189 (!) of these folders and files (although including Navigator bulks this up in part), including what seem to be residues in this list from my having acquired and used every version of Mathematica back to v1. Haven't bothered to dig out whatever other auxiliary Mathematica files may reside elsewhere on my HD, but there certainly are some. So: 1) When you (or others) keep and use multiple versions of Mathematica, do you (or does Mathematica automatically) create separate, different versions of all of these auxiliary files (like different Preferences or different default or init or font files) for all the versions you're running? 2) Or does just renaming the multiple versions by adding v6, v7, etc, to the application name automatically create and preserve new separate version-labelled versions of all these auxiliary files? 3) If you have multiple versions of Mathematica installed, along with a notebook that you normally run in v6, and you accidentally open this notebook in v5 or v7, does doing that automatically modify some of the hidden metadata associated with that notebook, such that it will behave differently (even maybe only slightly) the next time you open it in v6? 4) Just to pick one further example, one presumably wants the font management system on a Mac to be aware of _all_ the (separate and distinct) Mathematica fonts that are present and used in all these Mathematica versions. (For example, maybe you're going to Export a file with text content from one of the Mathematica versions, and then open it in some other application like Acrobat or Excel on your Mac.) WIll the Mac's font management (and the font menus in other Mac applications) get further cluttered with each separate version of Mathematica you keep? For myself, I'm about to move my life to a new MacBook Pro; and trying to keep my own life protected from all these complexities, I think that rather than just migrating my current Users and ~/Library folder from my existing MacBook to the new one, I'm going first install v8 on the new, virgin MacBook Pro; reset all preferences and defaults by hand; and then hand-transfer over nothing but plain notebooks from the old to the new machine. Only thing I don't know is just what license hassles doing this will get me into . . . ======================================= CONTENTS OF MY ~/Library/Mathematica FOLDER: ======================================= ApplicationData Parallel Preferences Preferences.m Applications MathematicaNavigator3 Documentation English 01Starting.nb 02Sightseeing.nb 03Notebooks.nb 04Files.nb 05GraphicsForFunctions.nb 06GraphicsPrimitives.nb 07GraphicsOptions.nb 08GraphicsForData.nb 09Data.nb 10Manipulations.nb 11Dynamics.nb 12Numbers.nb 13Expressions.nb 14Lists.nb 15Tables.nb 16Patterns.nb 17Functions.nb 18Programs.nb 19DifferentialCalculus.nb 20IntegralCalculus.nb 21Matrices.nb 22Equations.nb 23Optimization.nb 24Interpolation.nb 25Approximation.nb 26DifferentialEquations.nb 27PartialDiffEquations.nb 28DifferenceEquations.nb 29Probability.nb 30Statistics.nb BrowserCategories.m BrowserIndex.nb MathematicaNavigator.nb Preface.nb References.nb MathematicaNavigator3NewIn7 Documentation English 01Starting.nb 03Notebooks.nb 04Files.nb 05GraphicsForFunctions.nb 06GraphicsPrimitives.nb 07GraphicsOptions.nb 08GraphicsForData.nb 09Data.nb 10Manipulations.nb 11Dynamics.nb 12Numbers.nb 13Expressions.nb 14Lists.nb 15Tables.nb 16Patterns.nb 20IntegralCalculus.nb 21Matrices.nb 22Equations.nb 23Optimization.nb 24Interpolation.nb 26DifferentialEquations.nb 28DifferenceEquations.nb 29Probability.nb 30Statistics.nb BrowserCategories.m BrowserIndex.nb MathematicaNavigator.nb Preface.nb References.nb Autoload PacletManager Configuration FrontEnd FrontEnd 6.0 Caches MacOSX-x86 ResourceMap.pbf SystemFiles CharacterEncodings Klingon.pbf MacintoshChineseSimplified.pbf MacintoshChineseTraditional.pbf MacintoshKorean.pbf MacintoshRoman.pbf Mathematica1.pbf Mathematica2.pbf Mathematica3.pbf Mathematica4.pbf Mathematica5.pbf Mathematica6.pbf Mathematica7.pbf ShiftJIS.pbf UTF-8.pbf WindowsANSI.pbf ZapfDingbats.pbf FrontEnd TextResources Macintosh UnicodeLanguageFontMapping.pbf UnicodeCharacters.pbf UnicodeFontMapping.pbf SpellingDictionaries English MathematicaWords.clm 7.0 Caches MacOSX-x86 ResourceMap.pbf SystemFiles CharacterEncodings Klingon.pbf MacintoshChineseSimplified.pbf MacintoshChineseTraditional.pbf MacintoshKorean.pbf MacintoshRoman.pbf Mathematica1.pbf Mathematica2.pbf Mathematica3.pbf Mathematica4.pbf Mathematica5.pbf Mathematica6.pbf Mathematica7.pbf ShiftJIS.pbf UTF-8.pbf WindowsANSI.pbf ZapfDingbats.pbf FrontEnd TextResources Macintosh UnicodeLanguageFontMapping.pbf UnicodeCharacters.pbf UnicodeFontMapping.pbf init.m Kernel init.m Licensing mathpass Paclets Configuration DeclareLoad_7.0.0.m DeclareLoad_7.0.1.m managerData_6.0.1_270539334 managerData_6.0.2_270539334 managerData_6.0.3_270539334.pmd managerData_7.0.0.pmd managerData_7.0.1.pmd pacletData_6.0.1_270539334 pacletData_6.0.2_270539334 pacletData_6.0.3_270539334.pmd pacletData_7.0.0_270539334.pmd pacletData_7.0.1_172260953.pmd pacletData_7.0.1_270539334.pmd pacletSiteData pacletSiteData_6.0.3.pmd pacletSiteData_7.0.0.pmd pacletSiteData_7.0.1.pmd Repository SystemDocumentation 6.0 English Packages PlotLegends ReferencePages Symbols PlotLegend.nb PacletInfo.m Temporary SystemFiles CharacterEncodings FrontEnd Palettes StyleSheets aesDefault.nb Kernel SpellingDictionaries
- Follow-Ups:
- Re: switching between versions 7 and 8
- From: Andrzej Kozlowski <>
- Re: switching between versions 7 and 8
- References:
- switching between versions 7 and 8
- From: richard i pelletier <>
- switching between versions 7 and 8