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Re: how to scale text to a bounding rectangle?

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg110417] Re: how to scale text to a bounding rectangle?
  • From: Michael <michael2718 at>
  • Date: Thu, 17 Jun 2010 02:03:59 -0400 (EDT)

The problem with both of these solutions is that I need the bounding 
rectangle to be in a Graphics[] expression because I'm creating several 
of these text filled boxes at arbitrary offsets.  I'm trying to create 
something similar to Graph[] (hopefully using it's embedding functions) 
but instead of vertexes I want to create collections of boxes containing 
text.  However Mathematica seems to render text independently of the 
coordinate range of the graphic.  For example, these two expressions 
produce identical output:

   Text[Style["Test", 12]],
   Circle[{0, 0}, 1]

   Text[Style["Test", 12]],
   Circle[{0, 0}, 100]

I found something close to what I want to do, but it's ugly because the 
graphics don't scale nicely:

   FaceForm[], EdgeForm[Black],
   Raster[Reverse[Rasterize["Hello", "Data"]], {{0, 0}, {100, 16}}],
   Rectangle[{0, 0}, {100, 16}]

But I would have to hope that surely there is some way to put Text[] in 
Graphics[] such that the size of the text is proportional to the visible 
coordinate range of the Graphics[]. Even if I could only find the size 
of the text in a given image I could then scale it as needed.  I tried 
using Rasterize[string,"RasterSize"] but I couldn't figure out how to 
make it work.  Any ideas along that line?  I'm hoping that I'm just 
missing something obvious that I've overlooked in Mathematica's big API...



> On 6/15/2010 2:29 AM, Michael wrote:
>> How can I automatically scale Text[] to fit into a bounding rectangle of
>> a size that I specify?
>> For instance, I can get a pretty close result here, but it is not
>> perfect (the text doesn't touch the bottom edge of the rectangle), and
>> "36", {0,0}, and {-1,-1} are all numbers I had to find through trial and
>> error:
>> Graphics[{
>>      FaceForm[], EdgeForm[Black],
>>      Rectangle[{0, 0}, {100, 10}],
>>      Text[Style["Hello", 36], {0, 0}, {-1, -1}]
>>      }
>>     ]
On 6/16/2010 2:41 AM, Alexei Boulbitch wrote:
> Hi, Michael,
> try this:
> Manipulate[
>   Framed@Pane[Graphics[Text[Style["ABcdEG", n]]], {m1, m2},
>     Alignment ->  Center],
>   {n, 10, 30}, {m1, 50, 200}, {m2, 20, 200}]
> and play with parameters to chose those fitting your needs.
> Have fun, Alexei
On 6/16/2010 2:42 AM, Helen Read wrote:
> Framed[Text[Style["Hello"]]]
> If you want the 36 point font, that's fine too.
> Framed[Text[Style["Hello", 36]]]
> You can set FrameMargins on any or all sides.
> Framed[Text[Style["Hello", 36]], FrameMargins ->  {{10, 200}, {0, 0}}]
> Framed[Text[Style["Hello", 36]], FrameMargins ->  20]

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