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Re: Sorting Filenames into HTML Coding

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg108703] Re: Sorting Filenames into HTML Coding
  • From: David Bailey <dave at>
  • Date: Sun, 28 Mar 2010 04:07:48 -0500 (EST)
  • References: <ho76tp$ru$>

BenT wrote:
> I have a web page HTML coding problem which I'm trying to use Mathematica's
> file and string functions to solve for me.
> I've created a text file, in DOS of 695 file names which I've
> "imported" (via the "Lines" option) and need to manipulate each into
> HTML table data code like the following:
> For example, given a file name of "Aaron Robarts Wolfe.pdf", I then
> need to (while processing each filename such as with the For[]
> function, loaded already into a 695 element array, convert it to the
> following HTML code:
> <tr><td><a href="Portraits Aaron Robarts Wolfe.pdf">Wolfe, Aaron
> Robarts</td></tr>
> The output coding of the names however must be sorted as if they were
> in a Last, First Middle (if any) order which I'll cut/paste into the
> "master" HTML documents for the web page concerned.
> It would be very nice to include "letter" separators into the coding
> (as opposed to me having to cut/paste each letter category into the
> master docuement, The coding for each letter should be like this:
> <tr><th><a name="A"></a>A</th></tr>
> The "name" tags have already been defined in the master document.
> Any help would be greatly appreciated!
I think you need to be more specific as to what you need help with. I 
mean, given a file full of file names (BTW, I assume that you mean a 
text file, rather than a DOS file), it is easy to read that as strings 
with ReadList. It is also easy to use StringJoin (<>) to prepare lines 
of HTML, etc. So tell us exactly what it is that you can't do - 
preferably with some of your code, and someone will surely help.

David Bailey

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