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  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg109541] FortranForm
  • From: Gideon <gideon.simpson at>
  • Date: Tue, 4 May 2010 06:30:15 -0400 (EDT)

I have two, possibly related, questions on the FortranForm command.

1.  Is it possible to get Fortran 90/95 style output?  In particular,
I'd like to have long lines broken up with the end of line &
character, rather than the sixth column indicator as it is now.

2.  Is it possible to get it to output decimals where it has whole
numbers?  For instance, in some code I have, a factor of sqrt(2)
appears.  FortranForm renders this as Sqrt(2).  My compiler (gfortran
4.4) doesn't like this because it sees this as the square root of an
integer.  I have been resolving this with find-replace, and suspect I
could also deal with it by compiler flags, but it's annoying.

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